Made it to Quartzsite, No one there, Call?

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Nov 21, 2019
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Am running away from home!  Need to have some fun, finally.  
I made it all the way to Quartzsite from Seattle....was there from 11/30-12/3.
No one was there, apart from 4-5 cars/vans pulled off the road.  
One person told me it was "day use only".
So I'm near El Centro, CA (because I know it) and not 
sure what to do, where to go, etc.  Any thoughts?  No wi-fi, have phone.
Anyone around here wish to visit? 
425-499-1449.  Please text or call with message!
Welcome to the CRVL forums Sus58! Where were you staying in Quartzsite? There are a lot of people there now but I don't know if there are many CRVL members around yet. It sounds like one of the caravans would be a good place for you to go -

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We look forward to hearing more from you.
If your not used to traveling alone it can be a little daunting, personally I enjoy my alone time. You will connect, 4-5 vans is a good start.
You will most likely see the attendance ramping up around Quartzite after the holidays, with the RTR happening mid-January.
Tons in Quartzsite. Where were you looking? They are everywhere!
Ha! Same area code as me except I am returning for the holidays!
Since dispersed camping has a limit of 14 days a month, it's common for RTR attenders to avoid the Quartzsite BLM district until RTR starts. Some show up early and pay to stay in the LTVA areas or RV parks. Some stay in surrounding areas, like Parker, Ehrenburg and Yuma (which are in different BLM districts than Quartzsite) before and after RTR.

I've been through Quartzsite several times the past couple of months and was just there a couple of days ago. Though most of the crowd so far are snowbirds who stay the whole winter, there are plenty of nomads around already. The Boondocker Blast gettogether was last month and it looked like they had a hundred or so people there. The KOKO gathering was this week with several dozen nomads. I saw a bunch in Ehrenburg, there's a caravan at Hippy Hole (on the Colorado River south of Blythe) and at American Girl Mine Rd (in CA, West of Yuma). What you won't find in Quartzsite is a big sign saying Hey Early RTR People and First-Timers, Meet Here.
just to be clear Quartzsite and Ehrenberg are in the Yuma BLM district, not that it matters as far as this discussion goes. highdesertranger
Just rolled through Quartszite today on the way back from New Mexico to California.  Camped RV's seemed kinda sparse, not many visible from the roadway, but there were a ton of brand new mega dollar RV's staged at the main intersection.  Looks like they're getting ready for the season...
Double one. There are a ton of rvs, vans, etc camped all over the place. Not that many care to camp out on the main road. Most are way back in there.
I have been here in the north La Posa LTVA blm land since Setember 15th. There were quite a few of us here. The Ltva's is for long time visitors. 7 mos for $180. I never heard of a day use area here. U sure u were in Quartzsite?
just so everyone knows the OP has not been back on the forum since they posted this. highdesertranger
Thank you, HDR. Oftentimes, I suspect that is the case because there is no response from OP after the first post.

Thanks again!
Some people don't hit the BLM land at Quartzsite until after Christmas as they like to enjoy the holidays where their family or close friends are located. Which could mean staying at RV parks or in driveways near their family or friends.