Looks like Willy's been burned by Cyclonewindgenerators.

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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2012
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Yep, sad to say, it looks like a 'good egg' has turned into a 'bad apple'. Scraped up paid for a case of 100W panels (5 to a case) and some charge controllers from Rip-off outfit. I only needed one panel and the rest some buddies wanted to buy. Well, come the promised delivery date, and I'd driven down to the Fraser valley from the Okanagan to pick them up, I got nothing.

After repeated 'bounced' emails and pointless phone calls (inbox full), the guy FINALLY gets around to answering and.. stuck in customs. So, after nearly a MONTH of excuses and delays, and buddy seemingly 'forgetting' to answer emails, I finally asked for a refund (had to get back to the Okanagan since I'd run outta meds and, well, spending a month parked in my parents' driveway waiting sure sucked), which he agreed to and... nothing.

Finally, I filed a formal complaint with the Better Business Bureau, his reply that he'd agreed to a refund and he'd be selling the panels to another person and refunding my money, despite it NOT being his policy (which isn't stated on the invoice or on the website).. and STILL no money almost a week later!

Luckily, I retained almost all of the email correspondence and the invoice, so have 'proof' to back up my claims but, hell, what to do now? Any suggestions? ..Willy.
Willy, you're in Canada, no?

Did you place your order via ground mail?

Whenever, I get involved in something like this, I prefer to order via mail. The U. S. Postal Service takes a VERY dim view of postal fraud, and a complaint to them is a LOT more effective than a complaint to the Better Business Bureau.

I don't know whether Her Majesties Royal Canadian Post Office has any kind of reciprocity deal going with our post office, or how the whole "Held up by customs" thing would affect it.

I do think if you paid by credit card, you'd be able to dispute the charges.

If I ever have to deal with someone who doesn't take credit cards, I use postal money orders, for the same reason I gave above.

And if you ever run into someone who wants a bank check because "he doesn't take postal money orders" that's a red flag that he ain't on the up and up.

if it comes from a foreign country...Canada , China and the likes.....you stand a better chance at the state lottery getting money back
Wow! I'm so sorry Willy.

I don't mean this seriously, but this is one of those times where I'd look at my girlfriend and say "bullets are cheap, know what I mean?"

I hate it for you my friend. Thank you for the "heads up."
Lucky mike said:
if it comes from a foreign country...Canada , China and the likes.....you stand a better chance at the state lottery getting money back

Willy's Canadian so Canada isn't foreign to Willy.

Willy, do you have a lawyer friend that will send an official looking legal letter of demand?

What I've done, in the past, is write a really salty letter and send a copy of it to the A$$hole. With that letter, I include a list of other recipients of the letter: BBB, local news station (in many parts of the US there's a series that does rip off reports, the local paper. Include a few alternativeenergy forums on the list, home steaders... whoever you can think of Let him know if you don't receive your money by XXX the letter will be sent to that list.

Let him know, too, that you'll be writing him up on rip off reports.
Again Willy, how did you pay? As stated if you paid by credit card do a credit card chargeback.
Willy, wanted you to know that I sent a email to that co.

Here's what I said - "Just read on the internet that you accept peoples payment and then don't ship product! Good luck w/that!"

Hope it works out for you.

Point I tried to make was that info is now on the net. I''ll let you know if he responds. Legitimate co.s don't let in boxes get full and slow,if at all,communication. Hope i'm wrong.

Nobodies name was mentioned.
Great idea, DC! I'd be willing to send a letter if you'd like, Willy.

Anyone else up for an email campaign, on Willy's behalf? With his permission, of course...

I'm also willing to cross post on the other forums and FB pages I visit and moderate. I'll even crawl out of the blogland cemetery and write a post on my blog.
Hi y'all.
Sorry 'bout the delay here.. camped out in the hills outside of Osoyoos. I didn't pay via credit card, since I have a $500 limit, so did an Interac transfer, which means I'm hooped. I figured that, since he's in Canada and on Vancouver island, that it should be 'safe'. He also delivers up the Fraser valley, so that was a bonus in my mind (hate driving into the city). Had bought a panel from him before, but that time I didn't prepay.

If anyone wants to let others on the net know, then be my guest. Right now I'm so damned angry that I can't trust myself to not go overboard and, at the same time, acquire a tension migraine. Just sent an email to buddy asking about my refund, been a week since he said (to the BBB) that he'd refund me.

I dunno. Suppose all I can do is sit and wait and hope he doesn't pull more BS.. but what are the chances of that, eh? ..Willy. btw.. if anyone is wondering if it's ME that's fulla BS, I've got the email s 'n such and can actually prove my claims.

Forgot to thank you guys for your support 'n such. Couldn't edit my post, but them's the breaks. ..Willy.
That sucks. It really does. Can you go back to the better business bureau?
I've pursued the claim with the BBB, also telling them that I would only accept an Interac transfer in turn, or a certified cheque/bank draft. I ain't about to trust that a regular cheque from that bozo wouldn't bounce sky high. It's just super hard, at the moment, to do near ANYTHING, due to the meds I'm on. In fact, I'm just about gonna head up the hill and maybe take a nap. ..Willy.
Pretty sure nobody here is doubting you, Willy. You've always been a straight up guy.
I sent him a real nasty one, lol, started off saying that I was looking to buy a 1200 watt solar panel system (which I am, so no lie there ;?), but then said after doing some research, his name came up as a scammer and a ripoff, so no way I'd touch him with a ten foot pole! And also that I would be glad to spread the word cuz I hate online thieves. Personally I really do HATE mofo's like that who clutter up the internet with their rotten business practices and who are responsible for making doing business online such a risky proposition. Yeah so spread the word, let's bombard this SOB until he gives Willy his mutherf*%#king money back, jack!

Btw, I suggest using a Chrome app called Trashmail in order to protect your own security, no use giving people you don't want, access to you so they can spam you or sell your addy ;?D
you would have to go to a Canadian court to file against him........so unless you plan on being in court up there filing against him iis worthless
Hello y'all.
Back down the hill for a bit to do my internetz. Too bad data plans up here in Canada are so rotten, otherwise I'd go that route. At least it gets me off my lazy butt and moving around. Really nice to get outta the city and the new med I've got (Amitryptyline), gives me an awesome sleep.

Emailed buddy yesterday, and got a response. He claims to have been getting hate mail and death threats (uncool that) and is rather upset. He says that, evidently someone has been spreading bad things about him on 'Facebook etc' and that it's libel. For someone 'in the know', have I been engaging in libelous activity? I paid my money, didn't get my stuff, and still waiting for the promised refund (he says that I'll be sent the money today or Sunday).. wait 'n see, I suppose. Hopefully, I'll get my money and can go on and forget this whole sorry business.

Anyway, maybe he 's feeling the pressure and will be motivated to resolve this issue too. If anyone here is knowledgeable about libel 'n such and wouldn't mind having a look-see, I can send a copy of my/his emails. Personally, I rather think that I've been pretty patient here and not flying off the handle.. but who knows? ..Willy.
Hell have a hard time proving libel, critique of service is not libel...you also have an uphill battle for libel on the internet..most cases involve major publication or media. Angies list (huge review site for contractors) has fought these claims successfully since they were founded, for instance.

Death threats are another matter but not for you unless you made them or can be proven you paid or coerced someone to make them

Also..shady people like him rarely go the official routes, the don't want their books in open court. No lawyer is likely to take a case where there is little gain, and he's not gonna hire one at full expense to prove a point. Id guess the most you'll get is a cease and desist letter which you will ignore.
Willy,All you did was report the facts as they are to date.While that would upset a business owner his actions toward you caused all of this and yes the public has a right to know. Are customers supposed to go thru all you are and just keep quiet?
That guy should know w/the advent of the 'puter that bad business practices will go viral.
Don't worry about the "libel" issue yourself - their is none.What's he going to do tell a judge "your honor i've been jacking people around and they went and told everybody and exposed me"
A Senator from Virginia wanted to pass a bill to shut down the internet saying "Their is too much truth getting out" LoL.
Death threats are a different matter. A crime in itself.
I'm confident you'll be getting your cash soon.
Wow, death threats are taking things a bit too far, next thing you know someone will be comparing him to Hitler, lol. Seriously though that is just plain dumb, threatening violence is a crime and ISP's can be traced so, don't. Besides, it's much more fun just torturing him with all the potential business he's probably losing by continuing to screw folks like Willy :angel: Keep up the email bombardment, it's working ;?D

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