Looking for Harvest Job(s)

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Aug 14, 2017
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Hello!  :D

I'm looking for some help in steering me in the correct location for Harvest Jobs NOT including the Sugar Beet Harvest.

I'm familiar with the Sugar Beet Harvest in North Dakota! I worked the job last year and I'm set up to work that job again at the end of September this year (2019).

I'm here to see if anyone has any recommendations on other Harvest jobs that I can work until the Sugar Beet Harvest Begins. 

Many people at the Sugar Beet Harvest mentioned a POTATO Harvest that starts a month before the Sugar Beet Harvest, but I'm having a tricky time figuring out which company to go through. Also heard about an apple harvest in Washington...

Company Names, or websites would be greatly appreciated! 

Just to throw it out there, I'm available to work the end of July through the last week of September.

Thanks in advance for your help!
In the MidWest, the wheat harvest will begin soon (within a week, or two depending on the unending rain forecast), There should be driving jobs available then. Many local farm markets will need Summer help with produce.