Living out of a pack

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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others.<br /><br />Travels extensively in Europe on a bicycle.
I know this post is old but after I travel the US and Canada, I'm traveling by backpack throughout the rest of the world. There are tons of blogs and websites by people traveling around the world and living out of a back pack so in case anyone else was interested, I wanted to provide some links. Here are a few to get you started:

Vagabond Journey I like his older blog posts. The stuff he has now isn't personal. It's more about getting hits and selling products.

Perpetual Nomads You Should Read List of blogs of people traveling perpetually

True Nomads

Never ending voyage

Wandering Early

To find others, just do a search on perpetual travel, round the world packing list, or travel nomads. In addition, look at the comments under their blog posts. Usually the commenters are other perpetual travelers that have websites and blogs also. They're a pretty close-knit community.
Positively! A hat tip to the bike touring and backpack touring links above ,inspiring. I've traveled many parts of the world and much of that on foot or bike interspersed with bus travel between places to cover distances. It always was somewhat of an eye opener for me, once I got out there, to see just how many light traveling, free spirited, enlightened vagabonds are just doing it and one would encounter.

This is not a style that suits everyone obviously, but IMO there can be a sense of freedom and discovery in it that is different than other means of travel. And it can be done on frugal budget.
funny that this thread came up. I was on my morning walk a couple of days ago and watching the town wake up, reminded me of the days I lived out of a pack or off a bike. Squirming out of under a tree, back amongst the living.
today with all the great light weight equipment around, a bit of forethought and a little experience, there is no reason to be uncomfortable or wet. It was a beautiful morning and I couldn't help think what a nice feeling it would be to just strap on a pack and walk, no maintenance or mechanical gremlins to worry about other then a new pair of shoes once in a while. There is something liberating about that.
I always migrated to warm climates when backpacking, it just doesn't make sense to me otherwise, unless you have to or you are trying to prove something.
fk2: You depict a nice tableau, morning walks when liberating thoughts can come along side us.

Heh, particularly the "no maintenance or mechanical gremlins" part as I head out today to see what I can do about the new no-start/no-crank issue with my van.
AltTransBikes said:
Heh, particularly the "no maintenance or mechanical gremlins" part as I head out today to see what I can do about the new no-start/no-crank issue with my van.

:) yeah I hear you on that one....
Interesting this thread popped up, I hadn't seen it before. I was skateboarding here on the N. coast a few days ago and ran into some folks who live on the beaches and under bridges here locally. One thing led to another and I was invited to share their camp and fire that nite. I got my pack and sleeping bag, pad and some munchies to share and met up with them at a beach I didn't know existed. Four of the folks are living on the road for various reasons. I didn't pry. There were eleven of us all together to start, about dusk two people pushing bikes asked if they could join us at the fire. They had the best of everything, bikes, camping equipment etc. They pulled out some great wine and passed it around. The interesting thing to me is how so many folks from so many different places in life melded that evening and enjoyed talking like old friends. The evening stayed upbeat and is one I will never forget.