<p>Thanks for the support and ideas!</p><p><br>Sleeping in the Aveo is comfortable enough for me. It is modified, so the passenger seat has been taken out. Originally, I had a twin mattress in the back of the car to sleep on, but that was too conspicuous and made the trunk unusable. Sleeping diagonally across from the backseat/drivers side to the frontseat/passenger side works well.</p><p>I do hope to eventually travel around in my little Aveo, but once I graduate my access to the gym and internet are cut off. Playing for a gym and other facilities would be more expensive than moving back home and it has less comforts.<br> I also really miss my cat.</p><p>At first, I thought shady people would be more of an issue; thieves, thugs, drug users. It really feels that the cops just like picking on people; maybe I just look too poor/college-aged.</p><p>I would say being in college is a good time to experiment with living out of a vehicle. Mainly, because of all the free facilities to use. The study cube is possibly my favorite, because then I can be inside whenever I want and get free internet/gym access. Thanks for the coffee can tip. Writing the Piddle post was most amusing, although a part of life.</p>