Little Red and the Grits Plant

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Cammalu said:
I don’t like sweet tea!  Unsweetened all the way!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Shh, them's fighting words in the South!

:p I drink my tea unsweetened, too, but I'm still in the closet.  My southern family have no clue.
Growing up I watched my father make a gallon of "Sweet Tea" every night for the next day. 
A true iced tea lover would never drink "Fresh" sweet tea.. it had to sit overnight so the sugar could completely dissolve. 

Every night before going to bed he boiled a cup of real honest to goodness tea LEAVES (never tea BAGS) in about a half gallon of water ..
after it cooled enough so as to not shatter the gallon glass jar, he would pour it through a strainer into the jar with about two heaping cups of pure cane sugar then finish filling the jar up with tap water and give it a good stir and place it in the fridge..

The next day we had wonderful tasting sweet tea.

After going in service I found that most food service facilities, both military and civilian, did not sweeten their tea and or course it tasted awful to me because I was used to sweet tea. (and un-sweetened still taste awful to me)

Then along came something called "Artificial Sweetener".. named Saccharin (sp?)  and I was once again a happy camper.   But now I cannot stand to drink tea that is sweetened with sugar, it taste like syrup.

and I will not use any artificial sweetener other than Saccharin as they taste disgusting and leave an after-taste where the Saccharin brand does not.

oh and by the way.. it was in the news again, warning people not to drink "Sun Tea".. every summer people get seriously sick from drinking "Sun Tea".. 

For years the AMA and other science/health type organizations have been warning the public to not drink "Sun Tea" because it does not get hot enough to kill bacteria that starts growing as soon as water hits the tea leaves/bags.
and that bacteria is extremely dangerous, especially to children and seniors.

and yes, I know, some of you have drank it for a hundred years and never got sick  ..... so please don't jump on me.. 
I'm just passing on the information and the warning from the science/health organizations  for those of you who may not have heard about it.

I married into a South Florida cracker family once. Standard dinner fare was fried squirrel, fried alligator tail, boiled crawdads, and corn pone made with hog cracklins, and of course gravy, otherwise you'd choke to death. Breakfast was a big plate of grits with slices of home grown tomato and a couple of fried eggs. They would first cut the tomato ("maters," y'all) up small, mix it into the grits, then do the same to the eggs. Then it looked like they had all thrown up in their plates. Then they ate that mess with great gusto. Then I got a divorce.

But I do miss the pies and did I mention the best biscuits on the planet? Almost worth putting up with the garbage-plate for.

The Dire Wolfess
@Moxadox, I admit I literally laughed out loud. Gawds I miss southern (Cajun) food. Boiled crawfish, boudin balls, etouffee, hogshead cheese, biscuits and gravy... but I've never had tomato in my grits. Pepper and butter, but no tomato.
RowanFae said:
@Moxadox, I admit I literally laughed out loud. Gawds I miss southern (Cajun) food. Boiled crawfish, boudin balls, etouffee, hogshead cheese, biscuits and gravy... but I've never had tomato in my grits. Pepper and butter, but no tomato.
Ya, well, RF, you have never seen anything more revolting than fried eggs and tomato all mashed up in grits. I can't do it, even though they tell me it's delish. Right. That's what my food looks like on the INSIDE of my stomach. On the outside, I want it to resemble easily identifiable food items: a slice of homegrown tomato, a couple of fried eggs, and a blob of the white stuff with butter and pepper, thank you very much.

You can have my plate of Cajun food! Last time I pigged out on crawdads, some of them was bad and all of us who had been sitting on the kitchen floor covered with newspapers, chowing down on the pile of boiled crustaceans that Junior had provided, well, we were fighting for the toilet in the middle of the night. I've thought about it, and I really don't think there's anything more disgusting to throw up than crawdads.

The Dire Wolfess
Moxadox said:
Ya, well, RF, you have never seen anything more revolting than fried eggs and tomato all mashed up in grits.  I can't do it, even though they tell me it's delish.  Right.  That's what my food looks like on the INSIDE of my stomach.  On the outside, I want it to resemble easily identifiable food items: a slice of homegrown tomato, a couple of fried eggs, and a blob of the white stuff with butter and pepper, thank you very much.

You can have my plate of Cajun food!  Last time I pigged out on crawdads, some of them was bad and all of us who had been sitting on the kitchen floor covered with newspapers, chowing down on the pile of boiled crustaceans that Junior had provided, well, we were fighting for the toilet in the middle of the night.  I've thought about it, and I really don't think there's anything more disgusting to throw up than crawdads.

The Dire Wolfess

I can't even fathom bad crawfish.  You are supposed to boil them live, and if they aren't curled up, you don't eat them.  

Peasoup, my all time most disgusting food poisoning memory was peasoup.  Maybe because it looked the same coming up as it did in the bowl.
RowanFae said:
I can't even fathom bad crawfish.  You are supposed to boil them live, and if they aren't curled up, you don't eat them.  

Peasoup, my all time most disgusting food poisoning memory was peasoup.  Maybe because it looked the same coming up as it did in the bowl.
Ohhhhhh, disgusting shades of Exorcist!

Yeah, turns out Junior and his wife caught a mess of them one day and froze them in a block, and decided to boil them up just for us....So nope, they were not live boiled.

The Dire Wolfess

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