Limo Tint

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Well-known member
May 31, 2012
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I've been traveling/living in my bus for a couple of weeks now and am finding I don't care for the blackout curtains blocking my view, but it's important to me to have complete privacy at night. The curtains make me feel a bit claustrophobic as well. &nbsp;I'm in mild temps (Florida right now) and the insulation aspect of the curtains - for now - isn't an issue.<br><br>Would the darkest limo tint be an option?&nbsp;<br><br>Thanks!
At least with the curtains, you can move them out of the way for a view. With the tint, it's there all the time blocking those beautiful sunrises, sunsets, etc.&nbsp;
'The darkest'&nbsp; window tint may well cause you problems, as most states have window tint laws;&nbsp; what percentage of light has to be able to pass through the windows.&nbsp; Research the laws in the state(s) you'll be driving through.<br><br>Should you choose to use window tint, make sure what the final result will be.&nbsp; If your state says the window must permit 50% light transmission, and you order a 50% film (stops 50% of the light) you will technically be inviolation of the law, because the glass window itself actually blocks a percentage of the light.&nbsp; If stopped, most oficers carry a meter designed to measure the light transmission, and it measures the effect of the film AND the window.<br><br>Just FYI
The tint would be applied to rear bus windows, not driver, passenger, or windshield. &nbsp;Do the rear windows count? &nbsp;How much would that obstruct my view? &nbsp;I thought those inside the vehicle could see out, but the tint prevented anyone from seeing inside day or night?
In GA the law doesn't&nbsp;apply&nbsp;to work vans only automobiles. If you have a bus I don't think it would apply to you. Here's&nbsp;a good link to tinting laws by state.&nbsp;<br><br>"<span id="post_message_1276671247" style="line-height: 20px;">&nbsp;I thought those inside the vehicle could see out, but the tint prevented anyone from seeing inside day or night?</span><span style="line-height: 20px;">&nbsp; "<br><br></span>At night someone outside can see in if you have a light on in side.<br><br>
"<span class="Apple-style-span" style="line-height: 20px;">At night someone outside can see in if you have a light on in side."<br><br>That puts a big old NO mark next to window tinting as a solution. &nbsp;Thanks Dave!</span>
I've mentioned it elsewhere, but we used to have sheet ABS plastic velcored over windows for night time privacy. Easy to clean, quick to put up and take off.
Interesting Seraphim - thanks for mentioning that! &nbsp;More options to explore&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
wow, that really is a bus. shouldn't be a problem putting limo tint on as these van-buses are meant to accommodate the passengers' privacy and such.