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Aug 7, 2018
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Hello, all. I've been following Bob and several other full time nomads on YouTube for some time now. My plan is to go full time nomad by spring 2019, with a few short term test trips before then. I don't even own a worthy vehicle yet, but it's been a really interesting education to watch. I'm looking at a big B or small C, or a well done short schoolie. My personal tribe is me, my dog & my cat, and we are all lifelong roadtrippers. I probably won't post much until closer to my Lift Off date, except for clarification on a point of education, which is my main purpose here - learn stuff I wouldn't think of as a traditional minivan roadtripper.

I'm currently in central Florida in the big city, which I hate. I'm an artistic introvert, and I'm really looking forward to a life of quiet with noise by choice.

So Hey There, Y'all!
Glad you are here Nelly.  We may live fairly close. I am in FL as well.  Living in the woods 45 miles due west of Gainesville.  I am in the process of slowly getting my 4Runner ready to go.  It is a slow process as my funds are very limited.  I am unable to work and have been fighting to get SSA disability for 3 years now.  The 2nd, and determining hearing is suppose to happen in October.  Got my fingers crossed.  Really hoping iit is approved so I can travel freely and see some of our great country before my early death.  My launch date is in limbo and dependent on the SSA disability thing.  Been a hard worker, paying into the system, since I was 14.5 years old.  Body is giving out early and it is like pulling teeth to get back some of what has been paid in for so many years.

I'll not give up the fight.  If needed I will travel part-time.  Good luck to you.

All the best, Lee
Welcome Nelly to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Hey Nelly,


I just joined here too after watching Bob's YouTube channel for a while.

Hoping to head out in the spring full time as well. 

Going to head for the RTR in January hopefully to get a better idea how to do it all. Plus some smaller trips before then too.

Right now I have a 4ruuner but thinking Van...since as a woman traveling it might be safer, bigger and easier for repairs. Just me and my little tiny old dog and medium young dog. 

Good luck and maybe I'll see you out there...
Hey Nelly,
Please, try to make the 4Runner work 1st.  So dependable and can handle so much abuse.  I too would like more room but my 4Runner is paid for and it will be my intro. vehicle to figure out what I really want/need going forward.  Besides, in my case anyway, gotta work with what I have.  

Wish you the very best,  Lee
highdesertranger said:
Welcome Nelly to the CRVL forums!  To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.   We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger

Thank you, I went there even before posting here. No point in getting off on the wrong foot!
GotOldEarly said:
Best of luck, Lee. I'll have my fingers crossed for you. I just had my final hearing, and my atty says it went really well. I'll know for sure in a month or so, but it looks like it's good to go. I've lost "everything", but kept essentials like clothes & kitchen stuff, and hope to have a bit more space than just the minivan, which is too small for me to make a home in except for small trips. I want to keep the stuff I have left. Currently living in a 9x14 room, and that's about as small as I can manage. My first trips will be looping through the south east with Ocala and Nantahala as bases before heading north, and then west, stopping to see some old friends on the way. I'm a Gulf Girl and not sure how I feel about the desert, which gave me nosebleeds 30 years ago. Ah, the adventure!
Chaser Almost Good to Go said:
Thank you, Chaser. My minivan is great for travel, & small camping, but not for my full life. I do still have some stuff I want to keep, but have already pared down to the essentials. I probably won't make RTR this year, but hope to meet up with some people I meet here. 

Best of luck to you!
I am in Central Florida also, but won't launch fulltime until fall/winter '22/'23. Meanwhile i roadtrip every chance I get in my RAV4. I plan to stay east of the Mississipi River with occassional excursions west along the US/Canadian border. I hope to be a snowbird, wintering in Florida and summering in the NE. Keep us posted on your endeavors, please.