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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2012
Reaction score
Tucson, AZ
This question is primarily for experienced full-timers. What legal documents do you bring with you? What do you do if you DON'T carry most legal documents with you while you on the road?<br /><br />I've already discussed my plans on becoming a "van dweller" with my younger brother who live nearby. When I mentioned my future plans he seemed open to my ideas about becoming a van dweller. He's even volunteered to allow me to use his address as my mailing address when the time comes for a change. That's one less item to be concerned about when the time comes.<br /><br />Still, what documents, if any, do you carry with while you're full-timing?
My van living is full time, when I am visiting in the US.&nbsp; So I guess it is not quite the same.&nbsp; Still, as for legal documents, I carry print outs of my legal documents (insurance, ownership, etc.), and photo copies of all other documents, passport, credit cards, bloodgroup card, and so on.&nbsp; The originals are always on me, but I have copies stashed in various places in my luggage and the van.<br /><br />As well as that, I have two envelopes marked "In case of Emergency" - one in the glove dept, the other in a pocket in the back of the vehicle - inside of which are photocopies of the above personal information, as well as four names and phone numbers of next of kin.<br /><br />You never know when all this may be needed.&nbsp; Originals of important legal documents such as birth certificate and will, are with relatives.<br /><br />Lifey
<p>Lifemagician, thanks for the reply. I wasn't sure what original documents (if any) I should bring with me. It makes sense to have copies of insurance policies, vehicle titles, etc. in the event they are needed. I never gave much thought to carrying original documents on me but it makes sense. Losing original documents presents&nbsp;a great many issues.<br /><br /> It never occurred to me to place two (in case of emergency) packets in the van. It makes sense in a worse case scenario. I&nbsp;will most likely have at least one cat with me as well so having an emergency contact is important for the cats sake.</p>

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