Laws regarding RV's & the lifestyle

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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2016
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After the little arguing I was involved with the morning after the elections, I did some thinking about it. First off, I apologize to anyone I offended. I really dislike arguing, I'm not good at it and usually lose my temper. I also appreciate the Mods who promptly killed the thread.

I think this forum covers just about every aspect of RV living except how the laws differ from state to state. I've read a few posts about people having positive & negative encounters with Rangers & Police and find them very informative. The BLM & NF web sites are full of information about the laws, but laws change and it would be nice to follow these changes and supply that info to the readers here.

Maybe the Mods could start a section relating to the legalities, new and old laws which do, or in the future, may affect FT RVing, omitting the political side of things. There are already 2 "General" sections, so I don't want clutter up the forum, but a section dedicated to the laws in different States might save someone here a ton of grief. Having a dedicated section would also make it easier the sort through than the "General" sections. 
Any thoughts on the matter?
Laws against this lifestyle are rare.  But they are out there

Some places have parking / overnight laws, but those are generally posted in parks, downtown areas, and high end neighborhoods.

In the past few years, I have seen many ordinances overturned.  Google is your friend.  

One constant is that the police in the Hollywood Hills will run off everyone that is stopped for longer than one minute.
I was recently amazed and shocked to learn that some places in the USA have laws prohibiting feeding of the homeless. I find the existence of such laws interesting and sad as I am involved in a homeless support project and live in a country that has free health care for all.

laws vary from town to town, county to county, and state to state. And they're fluid. I think it would be really hard to document reliably.
It is also important to realize that enforcement of laws against car dwelling is just as important as the laws themselves.
Nearest county deputy is 66 miles and his backup is 110. Very few accidental deaths here this year, but 26 the first year we were here 12 years ago, welcome to the wild west. Make all the laws you want, just don't bother me trying to enforce them, there aren't too many Wyatt Earp types left.

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