Laundry bags

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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2015
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What's the preferred method of storing dirty laundry in a small space such as a minivan?

My first thought was to zip it up in one of those collapsible camping trash bins, but I'm told ventilation is a must. (Mold prevention?) There are plenty of cheap mesh bags that can do the job -- but if I go that route, won't the clothes stink up the vehicle?
Actually (I'm told --- have no sense of smell) the smell is less with a mesh bag; without air circulation the smell/mold/etc. will multiply exponentially to quickly become horrendous. I guess the key is doing laundry regularly/often(???)
I use a laundry bag- dollar store- don't notice smell, but then I travel with a slobbery Black Lab....
I usually TRY to do laundry every week or two depending on how grubby I've been.
I'll only be carrying 7 days' worth of clothes, so that ought to keep me honest about hitting the nearest laundromat on a weekly basis -- let's hope!
The key is to not put anything wet in there. If the clothes are fully dried, they shouldn't smell much. I put a wet, crumpled up shirt in the middle of a mesh bag once and when I went back in for it, it was covered in mold and ruined. I'll leave things hanging wherever I can to let them dry before putting them away.

Any mesh bag is great. Even a plastic bin will work if you leave the lid off.
I don't have a separate dirty laundry bag. I learned this trick when I was in the Navy many years ago. I tie a loose knot in the bottom of each leg of a pair of pants. I then stuff my dirty clothes into the trousers. If I have to carry it the pants crotch goes behind my neck with each leg coming down the front of my chest, (like giving a child a ride on your shoulders). After the laundry is clean and folded, I put them back into the plastic bins that I store them in.
I use a plastic bin, with a loose lid.  I also have a shower/gym bag I keep a fresh change of clothing, and two fresh towels (One for the floor). wash cloth.  In plastic quart zipper bags, I have laundry quarters, laundry packets, dryer sheets, shampoo body wash.  Many laundry's also have showers, so I shower first, then wash and dry everything while I get my electronic business done.  (Free wifi!)
I turned the smallest of the storage spaces in to a laundry hamper when I was doing the build of the van.

The wheel well once enclosed was 38" long, 12" deep and 12" high. Since the bed platform needed to be 24" high to accommodate the fridge unit, the 12" of extra space was ideal for the purpose. I have a hinged lid that lifts in towards the center of the truck to access it.

When the laundry hamper is so full that the lid doesn't close, it's time to hit the laundromat.

I never put anything away wet and can sleep with my head directly over the 'laundry hamper' but maybe your clothes are more 'fragrant' than mine... :D
I use a heavy duty mesh scuba gear duffle bag. The fabric softener sheets are in there, too. The box happens to be kind of split, so some of the fragrance leaks out. I'm never aware of dirty laundry smell unless I get right up next to it.
Whatever you use, don't leave them in the laundry room if you leave while your machines are running. I just had my second one stolen, and it was a $4.00 mesh cheapo from Walmart. I like those because they easily hold 2 loads, the mesh allows air circulation to keep things from getting ripe, they have a sturdy loop to hang from a hook in the shower, and a drawstring to close them up. They do get snagged and holed, sometimes, but they are cheap to replace. Why anyone would walk off with one is beyond me.
gcal said:
Why anyone would walk off with one is beyond me.

Maybe you should throw the bag in the wash too so it's not out tempting thieves. ;)
MrNoodly said:
Maybe you should throw the bag in the wash too so it's not out tempting thieves. ;)

And make sure to only use front load machines, ... as thieves have been known to open top load machines to pull a "special" item they noticed you put in back out if no one is paying attention (seen it done a couple times when they didn't realize I was watching and/or would loudly ask just what they were doing with someone else's laundry)
I use a large bag that I believe was originally from a large air mattress. After It gets emptied into a front loader washer, it gets tossed in after my clothes.

It goes in the drier too.

I do not bother separating colors/delicates, and do not fold them in the laundromat either. When dry, all clothes get stuffed into the airmattress bag, drawstring pulled, and then later emptied and then fold the clothes in my van and then remake my bed.

I've not had issues with clothes thieves, but during drying I will usually hover in the region of the machine and read something.

The bag seems to contain smells, but I mostly store it on the shelf over my front seats, and there is my exhaust fans there which would suck any stink up and out. I do not put wet clothes in the bag.
SternWake said:
I do not bother separating colors/delicates

I don't have "delicates" and my clothing and bedding are all in the same approximate color range and value, so no separating when I wash. But I separate fast drying and slow drying items. I fold, because it gives me something to do while the slow drying things are still in the machine, and because the stuff fits in the cabinet better.