Kentucky RTR Gathering?

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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2011
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I am thinking about hosting a Rubber Tramp Gathering in Kentucky in June 2012.  I have a small 20 acre piece of rural land that might make a nice location for a gathering.  My intent would be to host a friendship gathering over a weekend where we could BBQ, have a bonfire and share information.  Are there any fellow Rubber Tramps that "might" be interested in meeting in Central Kentucky in June 2012?   
<P>Around&nbsp;the gorge&nbsp;area? That would be cool!</P>
Would like to try. Really wanted to do the Co. one but gas keeps going higher.<br><FONT color=#ff00ff><b>Dragonfly</b></FONT><br>
I'd be interested. I'm in Alabama, about 30 miles from Chattanooga.. I'm meeting up with a bunch of vandwellers this weekend, as there is a gtg in the Cherokee Natl forest, and I'm always up for meeting more. Time and money make the west coast RTR 's impossible for now, so I try to make all the east coast ones I can.
Hi akblack10 I think that is a great idea. If you are serious about it I would promote it on the website and other places. The problem with that is it could get pretty large. Would you be able to handle 30-100 people? You don't have to provide anything, just a place for them to camp. You will get emails from people asking questions and telling them you are coming. also, there needs someone to be in charge just so there is. In the two RTRs we have had so far it hasn't been hard work, but it has been very busy for me. Everybody wants someone to be in charge, even if there isn't really anything to do. <br><br>How long can it go on for? I try to make mine 2 weeks so the most people can make it, but it doesn't need to be that long. A week would be best, say Tuesday to Tuedsay. Just a weekend will limit how many people will come, which might be a good thing for you. If you want to limit it to fewer people, just post it here and less will come. <br><br>I'm not trying to take over, just let you know I'm here to help if you want it. <br><br>Let me know your thoughts, Bob. &nbsp; <br>
Bob, Thanks for the tips! &nbsp;I will send you a message to discuss more in detail!<div>-AK</div>
<span style="font-family: Georgia; color: rgb(153, 0, 0);">Possibly. &nbsp;I'm also trying to see if I can make the Leadville one work and it's also in June. &nbsp;It will come down to what I can afford and how long I can be off.&nbsp;</span><div><span style="font-family: Georgia; color: rgb(153, 0, 0);">I own property near the KY/TN border, so I know this would be easily accessible by driving for me. &nbsp; Wish I were there, but alas, haven't seen my home in nearly 9 months.</span></div><div><span style="font-family: Georgia; color: rgb(153, 0, 0);"><br></span></div><div><span style="font-family: Georgia; color: rgb(153, 0, 0);">~SE</span></div>
I might be able to attend.&nbsp; Can you get more specific on the location?&nbsp; Thanks !<br><br>kenny<br><br>
<br><div><font face="Tahoma">Very interested. &nbsp;Would need to know date and at least the general area to say for sure. &nbsp;This could possibly make a nice maiden voyage for the Caboose. &nbsp;We're aprox an hr north of the OH River crossing at Ashland Ky</font></div><div><font face="Tahoma"><br></font></div><div><font face="Tahoma">&nbsp; Is your place travel trailer friendly? &nbsp;I'm not a great backer-upper yet. &nbsp;I've &nbsp;backed it into our driveway a couple times w/o too much trouble...however, it took me 20 min to get it moved into the side yard away from a maple tree raining down seeds pods.</font></div><div><font face="Tahoma">&nbsp;The whole look in the mirror and turn opposite of where you want to trailer to go wouldn't compute...I did a lot of "ahhh, This time I got it...grrr going the same wrong way Again..."</font></div>
Butterfly, didn't know you got a travel trailer.<br><FONT color=#ff00ff><b>Dragonfly</b></FONT><br>
The property is 20 acres, 1/2 wooded and 1/2 pasture, plenty of flat open space for pulling through! &nbsp;It is in the Lexington, Ky area. &nbsp;I am heading home to Kentucky now, slowly, and should be there by the first week of May. &nbsp;I need to coordinate with my family as I have a High School Graduation to attend the first week of June. &nbsp;As soon as I can make more details known I will post them!<div>-Thanks for the interest!</div><div>-AK</div>
I'd be interested as well.&nbsp; Even though I have yet to find the van and acquire it, I'm deep into the planning stages.&nbsp; Still working, but can get time off.&nbsp; Looking into retiring, but health care costs scare me big-time.&nbsp; (No pension, only SS).&nbsp; But it would make a terrific bike ride for me and I'd get to meet real, bonafide Rubber Tramps...&nbsp; I'll keep an eye on this, for sure.<br>
Hello Fellow Smart People, &nbsp;I have discussed a Kentucky Gathering with the owner of this site and true to form, he has provided some really great recommendations / info. &nbsp;It makes me even more committed to having a Kentucky Gathering! &nbsp;I think June will be too close to make it a reality, so I am thinking about pushing the date to Aug! &nbsp;I will let you know asap! &nbsp;<div>Is there still interest if I push to Aug 2012?<div>-AK</div><div><br></div></div>
<P>Sounds like fun - let me know when you have a date (a time frame, not an escort lol) so I can make sure I have those days off. We're near Cincinnati, so if we can be of any help, just holler.</P>
Has there been any further thought or discussion about this? As much as I hate to " plan" ( prefer to be spontaneous) , summer is my crazy busy time, and I'd need to know a bit in advance.
Les H, thanks for the interest in the Kentucky RTR. &nbsp;I have not made it home yet to Kentucky. &nbsp;I should be there by the end of the month to finalize plans with my family then I will post details. &nbsp;I am looking at mid-late August for the gathering. &nbsp;I hope this helps but I can't set an exact date until I discuss with family!<div>-AK</div>
AK, thanks. My wife and i will already be traveling the east coast mid/late Aug. We would really like to coordinate stopping bye either on our way n or s
<P>Sounds Awesome, the More local Gatherings the BETTEr, alot of folks just can't afford Long distance travel with theh the price of gas.</P>
I am&nbsp;interested for sure...Don't know if I will have&nbsp;caught&nbsp;a call for work buy then or not but if not and close to Kentucky I'm in.