Keeping Black water tank clean

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Dec 10, 2016
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In my lance cabover it has a full bathroom in it. Im wondering how people keep the black water tank in good condition. I try to go only No.1 in there. just to keep it more clean. Is there tank flushes you use? any brand you like better? do you recommend putting some water in before you use it to keep the smell down? does it smell if you use it too much? Im new to the whole bathroom in the camper and i Heard they can smell if you don't keep up on it.
There's a chemical you use to keep it from smelling, and 2 types of tools for cleaning
1 is a 'wand' you attach a garden hose to, and stick it into the tank while holding the fush open (turn the water supply off while doing this) the other is a piece of plastic you attach between your dump pipe and sewer hose, and a garden hose attaches to it
the wand is like this one
the back flush is like this one, but mine has a 45 degree bend it it

I like the non formaldehyde chemical, you can buy it at WalMart
Also, since you're new to 'bathroom in the camper' concept, start right now NEVER putting toilet paper in the toilet!

Toilet paper causes more problems with black water tanks that any other combination of mistakes in the RV world. And yes, this applies even to that 'special' RV toilet paper, which in fact is no better or worse for dissolving than regular tp.

It sticks to the sides where the gauges are, it builds up in the tank and it doesn't disintegrate in the tank.

The other most common mistake is to leave the discharge valve open when you're hooked up to a sewer line in an RV park. Do NOT do this. Leave the valves on both tanks closed until the tanks are at least 3/4 full. Then open up the black water tank first, when it slows flowing, then open up the gray water tank discharge valve.
^^What she said, TP in a trash bag / can, keep valves closed until you're ready to dump
I never trust the sensors on my black tank, I turn the water off and look in there
I totally agree with keeping black water valve closed until ready to dump.  I don't agree with the TP taboo, though.  I put my TP in my tank and I probably always will.  If you use the right kind I'm confident it WILL dissolve if you keep enough water also in the tank.

I'm of the opinion that if I have a bathroom in my RV I'm by gosh going to use it!  LOL  Maybe it's because I've changed oh so many dirty diapers, but I'm not afraid or grossed out by *my own* poop, so I'm for sure going to use my bathroom for whatever I need to use it for, not just "number 1".  On the other hand, I *AM* a bit grossed out at the thought of collecting nasty used poopy or urine soaked toilet paper in a bag!   :s   I'm probably wrong, but I'd think that would have more of a propensity for stinkyness than the toilet... Goes to show how we all have our own distinct gross out levels!

As for smell, I've found adding the chemicals takes care of that.  Keeping a bit of water over the seal on the toilet at all times also helps prevent smell.  And if all else fails (and it rarely does!) there's always Fabreeze!  LOLOL :D   

I used to have one of those flush attachments on my sewer hose, but I found that it kept messing up and having to have another dedicated hose was just a pain.  So now I just use the clear hose attachment at the valve,  close my black valve, and fill the toilet with water a couple times from my water tank (or use a bucket and fill it at the dump station) and then open the black valve to rinse the tank out.  I've found that doing that a couple times until the tank is running clear keeps my black tank pretty clean.

Regarding sensors, my tanks never came with any sensors, so I had external sensors added and they are so worth it.  I'll never have to worry about anything gumming them up since they are external to the tank.  They are pretty accurate, giving me the percentage full, ie 22%,34% etc, not 1/4, 1/2 etc.
Go to Amazon and search for "rv toilet paper".  It will show you all your options.  It dissolves completely in water.  Not as cheap as the regular stuff you can buy in a supermarket.
And yes, start with some water in the black tank.  Mine says to put a gallon in right after emptying.  

Those bottles you buy at Walmart will treat a forty gallon tank so measure according to the size of your tank.

I put the Fantastic Fan on reverse (blow into vehicle) when using the commode to kind of pressurize the living area so when you flush the stink goes out the vent pipe and is not sucked inside.
You can test toilet paper by putting some in a jar and doing a shake test to see how it dissolves, a better one will start to break apart immediately. Angel Soft actually does quite well and is very reasonably priced. Scott is another that is highly recommended. If you use chemicals, use them wisely as I have gotten headaches and/or dizziness from using some of them. Heavy use of TP and low water ends up with a paper mache mound just under the toilet and this isn't easy to breakdown.
I just threw away the RV TP that came with the trailer. I had planned on using it as practical jokes because it dissolved so fast that you couldn't wipe your bum and not have it fall apart in your hand. Some RV TP does not dissolve any better than regular TP.

Yes put water in before to keep your poop floating and not creating a pile right under the toilet. There are rinse aids but be careful to not flood your rig while using them.

To me the chemicals are worse than a clean toilet and tank. Then again I bag my toilet to save the water from flushing and to double my grey water capacity.
I bought that reverse flush valve to get a clog out of my black tank that the bucket method would not touch and it worked like a charm I am sold
Thanks everyone for the feedback super helpful. I am worried about tp in there so I do the trash bin trick. But now I know to check the tp to see if it dissolves easily. And all the flushing tips thanks! So much great info!
F350Girl said:
Thanks everyone for the feedback super helpful. I am worried about tp in there so I do the trash bin trick. But now I know to check the tp to see if it dissolves easily. And all the flushing tips thanks! So much great info!
One other thing we always do. whenever we hit the road, we dump a bag of ice cubes down the toilet and let the vehicle motion stir them around. It helps keep the sides of the tank clean and when they melt, it's just a little extra harmless water in the tank.
I don't use chemicals of any kind , the vent pipe takes care of that.
(If you have a roof vent fan DO switch it to sucking in vs blowing out!)

I just use Scott regular 1 ply TP. It dissolves very well.

I tried that wand but tossed it after a few years , biggest complaint? Where to store it !
The back flush one comes in handy but very rarely used it in 20 years of use.
I do have a clear piece of dump pipe that I attach between the valve and the hose to see when the tank is empty (I know eeeewwwwww) but feel it's worth it , especially when you want to know there's nothing left when doing the final rinse of the year , assuming you do that..
The back flow attachments are usually clear for this purpose.
The one with an extra valve built in did come in handy once when a cold spell froze my valve and some warm water through the hose saved the day ! An electric heater pointed at it worked on another occasion....

Hey we all get caught once in a while ,,,,,,,, just "go with the flow" Yup yup !

Keep the dump valve closed on the black tank till at least 3/4 full then dump for a good emptying.
I leave the grey water valve open (if using a campsite with hookups ) and close it a day or so before dumping the black one. Once empty I fill and flush the toilet a few times with it still open to keep the valve from clogging up the seal then close the black valve and open the grey valve to flush out the hose. This also keeps the black from contaminating the grey tank .

You'll get used to knowing when it's almost time to dump as the toilet will start to "burp" when the level is up over the bottom of the vent pipe.

If I'm going to not use the tanks for a period of time and leave them empty (like in winter) I will close the black valve after dumping and flush until I fill it back up and flush again to clean it out a little better , usually 2 or 3 times..........

Those external guages are a wonderful thing ! The old style sensor through the side ones are all eventually going to fail due to rusting or "internal shorts".

This is how I (and many other full timers) do it , this subject will eventually come up around an evening campfire if there are any newbies there... Skuh kuh kuh kuh kuh

That's it , I'm cleaned out of suggestions now !
Arrrrrrrrgh ! I know ,,,,,