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...they're is correct as no cap or period in the middle of a sentence & yours is misspelled. But thanks!
Or is it yours's.
This's as the best I can do as on short notice.
Show of hands:
Do you think as that'd be good on a cap?
But not as on a period...
An aside:
I always mix the plural of yours's with the possessive yours's up.
Thinking is hard!
Shakespeare!, and his business with that Viennese Merchant!
"Ah, yes, dear Your'is, I remember him well."
Sadly, dear Your'is just hasn't been quite himself since he lost the rest of his skeleton...
It wasn't Merchant Of Venice, it was HAMLET.
It isn't whatever gibberish was in that other comment by that incompetent buffoon, the line is "Alas, poor Yorick, I knew him."
You twit.