Jim in Denver-others-4GAS plan info??

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2018
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sitting on a river-bridge playing the banjo...

I have three questions and an offer for you.

1. As I look at the 4Gantennashop site, I see the "Unlimited 3G data package" plan for $45 per month.

Is this the plan you have? (Or have had in the past?)

The 512k up and down would be great for the dBase updates I have to do. Since we use Dish Network for our video, these speeds would be excellent for us.

The "3G" setup would be even better if it really does allow for the 3G connections.
Only thing is, when our jetpack or the Sierra Sprint device goes to 3G they end up being quite a bit slower than 512k. Even @ 3AM on a low-use tower.

I have watched your video with Bob several times and read on the '100 page thread' but I am not sure if this one has been discussed.
Searches elsewhere do not clearly explain what they want to make a "business account" either. Not sure how it would differ from a normal account.

2. When we bought phone service through a reseller under another name in the past, (We had "ChitChat" reselling Sprint service) even though our phone was supposed to use Sprint towers, it would not seem to access all of them. People at the same picnic table (who bought direct from Sprint) had full signal while we could not get any. Flashing the phone/updating the phone did not solve the issue. A new phone (different manufacturer and model) did not solve the issue either.
Do you find that your reception follows the coverage maps closely, or do you also find "holes" for coverage as described above?

3. I have a Linux machine on super fast commercial fiber. I do little/nothing with it. Would you be interested in doing a simple "Excel spread sheet" type list of the offerings you could refer folks to?
Not sure if I have missed it, but I don't see that anywhere.
If a very simple list was done once, it could be replaced or amended in a few minutes each month. If interested, I could give you whatever you needed to make it happen.

Also thought about a simple application that would use GPS coordinates to log issues with connections/speed, then using the magic of database to provide real-world connection forecasts in specific areas.
Technomadia has a lot, but nothing like this AFAIK.

Thanks for your efforts and sharing the super-pooch with us all!   :)

First let me explain that my video with Bob was shot a year ago and the 4GAS deal I use is no longer offered, nor is the 4Gcommunity unlimited Sprint LTE. Unfortunately Deals only last so long in the ever changing cell world.

The 3G deal is Verizon and you get the hotspot off of ebay. You purchase the hotsop with 2 months of service and then pay $5 a month afterwards. The speeds can range up to 3.1 Mbps down depending on your cell signal. Here is one such listing with a good seller. It does not roam and I hear new accounts will not be accepted in a few months, so do it soon.


Currently one of the best deals I know of is AT&T unlimited data for $29.99 a month. You buy the hotspot and account from the same seller here. It does roam.


I replaced my 4Gcommunity hotspot with a PC's for people unlimited Sprint LTE hotspot. It does roam but is limited to LTE only. You must meet their income requirements of less than $24,000 a year.


4GAS is currently not accepting new customers.

I have not had time since the RTR to research new deals but my main source of info is howardforums.com. There you can keep up with the current listings through separate forums for the different carriers or the resellers in the general prepaid discussion forum.


You are correct that most resellers to not offer roaming.

As far as coverage goes I had been keeping a list of all of the connections I get in the various areas I go to but you have to understand that I use boosting equipment with a directional antenna to receive signals when others do not. My plan was developed for use in the Rockies where getting internet is very challenging. At times a signal can be found on one carrier in one spot only to disappear a very short distance away. There having all of the carriers, roaming and boosting equipment is crucial because because you can not depend on a single carrier, even Verizon. I spent two months there last year and while others found signals too weak/congested to use or even no signal at all, I was pulling in towers from long distances and enjoying streaming with no buffering.

Coverage maps are advertising and as with all advertising they need to be taken with a grain of salt. Also the places I go are at times extremely remote and accessible only with 4 wheel drive making a list somewhat useless. At times I have coverage from a carrier when their map says I should not or no coverage when they think I should have a strong signal. So I get to a spot, turn on all of my devices and start checking out what is or is not going to connect and be usable. The process can take anywhere from hours to days. Sometimes I go no further than to find one device with a strong signal and just use it. You might park a short distance from me or use different equipment and get different results.

I hope it helps and Max the wonder puppy says hello.
4GAS transferred ownership, I had a special personalized plan I just loved but the new owner got nitpicky so I let it lapse.

Likely fine if you stick to what they're offering, but check tge fine print on throttling if you're after lots of GB per month.

They take your word for it that you're a "business"
As of February 22, 2018

Effective immediately. The 4G Antenna Shop Inc. is currently not accepting any new applicants for internet service. We will soon provide information of our available contacts where you can sign up for internet services via our authorized partners.

This new process does not affect any current customers of the 4G Antenna Shop Inc. and your service will remain active and unaffected.

We hope to restore general business to business sales in the coming weeks, please check to see if any updates have taken place regarding this notice.


Robert Villanueva
Hi JD,
After reading this thread, my question remains:
"re Internet-connection without interruption for couple hours daily: how possible ?
Can this be done without wi-fi in a vehicle? "

Unless this can be done, only part-time trips are possible. This necessity is mission-critical.
I am not fully understanding this:

"re Internet-connection without interruption for couple hours daily: how possible ?

Can this be done without wi-fi in a vehicle? "

Your connection to the Internet will usually be via cell data, just like from a smartphone.

Many less populated areas don't have good coverage even with Verizon or ATT service, so if staying connected is critical for you, you need to avoid staying in those areas.

While you are driving long distances, connections will come and go, the bigger well traveled roads have the best coverage.

To increase your chances, carry devices with accounts on both those two carriers, and make use of antennas, range extender gadgets Jim describes.

Now you will want WiFi in your vehicle if you have multiple screen devices (PC, tablets) needing to share a single account's connection to the Internet.

This is usually done with a mifi/hotspot, but many smartphones can as well.

Parking next to a store with free Wifi will save you using up your cell data gigabytes, but that's different.

Hope this helps. . .
Annie, if your cell phone works...this will work. It uses the same infrastructure.
The "gizmos you don't pretend to understand," are mainly to boost weak signals.
(For ultimate coverage, you can spend about 300 dollars or less and increase your working area.)

Each link Jim provided uses one of the normal carriers. (SPRINT/VERIZON/AT&T)
If you look on each of the links, you will find "COVERAGE" links.
Check them out to see where each covers.
Annie I have a Verizon Hot spot that will get you internet wherever you can get a Verizon phone signal. all the big phone carriers have the hot spots. some allow you to use your smart phone as a hot spot. there are add ons to allow longer range reception, these are usually referred to as signal boosters. of course you always have the option of free Wi-Fi from stores and there are boosters for that too. highdesertranger
Better yet when I go out I don't want any calls. Do not call me 95% is BS. I turn all off. But then I am independently wealthy? Staying in touch is over rated.
> Have sooo many questions re this for-real necessity, where to begin? - This, & the job it relates to has me totally, no actually 120+% OVERwhelmed.

Yes if you start a new thread, title it

Mobile Internet 101 for noobs

Or something, you will get basic step by step advice.

If you sign up for contract service from ATT and/or VZW, buy the hotspot from them and take along the other screen gadgets you want to use they should be able to walk you through it, just choose times they're not busy.

Or put up a note at any school or CL offering to pay someone to set it up and teach you hands-on.
highdesertranger said:
I have a Verizon Hot spot that will get you internet wherever you can get a Verizon phone signal.  all the big phone carriers have the hot spots.  some allow you to use your smart phone as a hot spot.  there are add ons to allow longer range reception,  these are usually referred to as signal boosters.  of course you always have the option of free Wi-Fi from stores and there are boosters for that too.  highdesertranger
You want me to get a smart-phone  :huh: 
Still figgering-out the 2 dumb-phones i currently have, lol.

on cordless know how to Block calls, tho nearly at 100-some limit.
Also set to only ring Limited hours. as i said in "you ain't right" thread, gonna maintain our sanity :cool:
Tiny flip-phone is via Verizon  (with no less 90 !! pgs. of destructions).
gonna take it to co-library, & have them mentor how that contraption works.

was repeatedly cautioned re "anything Wifi is a huuge security, & radiation" risk.
Sure enough, recent studies prove immersion... in such technology increases gliomas, yikes!
Aside Not sure how to Safely work...
also still how to keep a Laptop connected with NO interruptions.

Thanks for suggestions, highdesertranger.
You buy a hotspot with unlimited data like the AT&T link I posted. You turn it on and it will appear on the wireless connections of your laptop. You will click on that and enter the password that comes with the hotspot. The laptop will likely save the password and can be set to connect to the hotspot automatically so that next time all you have to do is turn them both on. That is all, class dismissed.

Is it perfect? No No one has perfect coverage but that said, AT&T and Verizon are near neck and neck with both missing a little here or there. Then again even when I had high speed cable it went down or became overloaded at times.

Can it be more complicated? Sure it can. I specialize in always having a connection even in some of the most challenging areas possible. I have multiple hotspots and phones on different carriers. I also use boosting gear that will pull in signals from far off. Most of the time all I need to do is turn on my AT&T hotspot and I am good to go.
John61CT said:
Yes if you start a new thread, title it Mobile Internet 101 for noobs Or something, you will get basic step by step advice.

If you sign up for contract service from ATT and/or VZW, buy the hotspot from them and take along the other screen gadgets you want to use they should be able to walk you through it, just choose times they're not busy.  

Or put up a note at any school or CL offering to pay someone to set it up and teach you hands-on.

Thank you John
Done, new discussion here Mobile Internet 101 for Starters
jimindenver said:
You buy a hotspot with unlimited data like the AT&T link I posted. You turn it on and it will appear on the wireless connections of your laptop. You will click on that and enter the password that comes with the hotspot. The laptop will likely save the password and can be set to connect to the hotspot automatically so that next time all you have to do is turn them both on. That is all, class dismissed.

Is it perfect? No No one has perfect coverage but that said, AT&T and Verizon are near neck and neck with both missing a little here or there. Then again even when I had high speed cable it went down or became overloaded at times.

Can it be more complicated? Sure it can. I specialize in always having a connection even in some of the most challenging areas possible. I have multiple hotspots and phones on different carriers. I also use boosting gear that will pull in signals from far off. Most of the time all I need to do is turn on my AT&T hotspot and I am good to go.
Hi Jim,
Thank you for your patient explanations.

Hopefully a moderator will shortly delete my silly posts from this thread.

Would you explain why you "specialize in always having a connection" ? Super !! is it also work-related ?
Thank you.
highdesertranger clearly does not say you have to get a smartphone.
Annie W said:
Hi Jim,

Would you explain why you "specialize in always having a connection" ? Super !! is it also work-related ?
Thank you.


I use to have customers that required that they be able to contact me at any time no matter what. I boondocked at high altitude in the Rockies where the cell signals would differ within extremely short distances so I had to come up with a plan to have all of the carriers just to make sure I could stay in touch. I am not wealthy so I found deals that allow me unlimited data on three of the carriers and unlimited streaming on the fourth for a grand total of $56 a month.
I no longer own the company but I do enjoy having usable internet anywhere I go which is as deep as possible usually.
Last night I fired up my 4GAS hotspot to watch Netflix and found that it was not getting a signal at all. I called 4GAS to check because I knew there had been changes in their company and I knew I had been getting download speeds of 26 Mbps. It was deemed a tower issue but I was able to chat about the account which is no longer offered or so I thought.

They do offer a 5 gig account with Binge on and Music freedom but with two changes. First the account is $10 more expensive than mine is AND the Binge on/Music freedom services can not be used with a Amazon or other type of TV stick. It can only be used on a tablet or computer.

So at a total of $27.71 it places the 5 Gig account too close to the AT&T unlimited ipad account at $29.99 or so it seems. I only use the 4GAS for streaming and as long as I am streaming approved services it never deprioritizes like the AT&T account can nor does the streaming count against its 5 gig limit. That means I can stream 24/7 and never worry. It also has unlimited 2 G if the 5 gigs are used up with Music freedom not being affected. In practice I have found the 2 G to run at 256 Kb on average.

The other advantage is that T-Mobile uses band 12 which is their long distance band. It has allowed me to pull in service from 30 miles and over mountains in Colorado when AT&T and Verizon was useless. I will have to chat with them again to learn of any other plans.
Yes my streaming-approved business account at 112GB per month never deprioritized and I opted out of the reduction in quality.

They threw in one month per year true unlimited as well.

The original owner was great to deal with, the new people I tried to deal with, not so much.

I reckon let them go through this transition a while
The transition if there was one did not happen, Robert is back.
This stuff certainly does switch around quite often.
Thanks Jim for keeping us updated.

Just a thought...if I hooked a smartphone, even one like my old HTC EVO, to a HDMI dongle, how would they know I was connected to my TV?
Same thing with a casting program, right? The FIRE8 tablets we have, cast YouTube and anything else on the 60 inch smart screen in 720 quite nicely. Even 1080 depending on what it is.
That "BingeOn" list, showing what is allowed without counting against your total, is pretty sweet.

The question I am wondering now is, if you buy 5GB and they slow you down because you went over...do the BingeOn approved services also run slower?
(Of course, I am also wondering about the origins of our universe, who really killed JFK, how many licks DOES it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop...and on and on... Perhaps the super pooch can tell me the next time he is consulted.)