I've Written a New Book on Vandwelling

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Dec 12, 2010
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Hello all, my name is Bob Wells and I own cheaprvliving.com, cheapgreenrvliving.com, cheaprvliving.com/forums and cheaprvlivingblog.com. After living in a vehicle for over 10 years, and writing countless words about it, I've finally written a book that covers the basic How-To's of vehicle-living. My goal with this book is that it will cover everything you need to start a new life as a vandweller as easily and trouble-free as possible. Find all the info you need about the book here:<br /> <br /> <a href="http://cheapgreenrvliving.com/Book.html">http://cheapgreenrvliving.com/Book.html</a><br /> <br /> If you are new to the lifestyle, I've tried hard to think back to my early days and answer all the questions I had at the time. And as a long time member of this group I've tried to answer all the newbie questions that we all have heard over-and-over again.<br /> <br /> But, many of you are old-timers so you may think I don't have anything new to offer you. And that's probably true. But, one thing I've done is given lots of thought about the Why's and not the just How's of&nbsp; <br />vandwelling. I think you may enjoy my philosophical musings.<br /> <br /> The book is available from Amazon.com for the Kindle eReader. It costs $2.99. If you don't have a Kindle (I love mine and think every vandweller should own one)you can download a free app from the Kindle store on amazon.com that will let you buy, download and read the millions of books available for the Kindle--including mine!!<br /> <br /> If you like the book, please, please, please, give it an honest review. If you<br /> don't like it, write me and tell me why, and I will give you your money back<br /> with my sincere apology. Get more info at;<br /> <br /> <a href="http://cheapgreenrvliving.com/Book.html">http://cheapgreenrvliving.com/Book.html</a> Bob
Hey Bob...&nbsp; I am trying to download the app for converting to pc but having issues. I will try again later as i definitely want a copy of your book. Keep up the great work that your doing. I know that personally speaking, you have opened my eyes to a great future for me to look forward to and plan for. I am currently getting "all my ducks in a row" and have purchased my "shack" to start work on it. I hope to get to meet you maybe this upcoming RTR and definitely the summer one if possible. I am very interested in relocating out your way.&nbsp; Thanks for all the great info.&nbsp; TAKE CARE!!<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Randy G.
Way to go Bob.&nbsp;You&nbsp;are one very helpful person.&nbsp;Gonna&nbsp;start reading this tonight. Thanks
Good for you Bob....Glad you did.<br /><br />I would love to buy a copy and will once I figure out how to put a Kindle book on my Nook reader....I need training...<br />Bri
Get calibre and convert the mobi file to epub here is the download link and it is free......&nbsp;http://calibre-ebook.com/download<br /><br />Here is the video how to link ...&nbsp;<br /><br />I calibre all my books and love the program. Hope this helps HuggZ
Oh... I just bought your book Bob and can't wait to start it. I am currently reading a book on&nbsp;vagabonds right now called Leaving it all behind by J Ashcroft. I got it free today for my Kindle Fire YAY. I add books I like and want to my wish list and check the list everyday and sometimes one of the books will be a free book for the day =) HuggZ and Thanks for the Book!!!&nbsp;
Congratulations Bob!&nbsp; Thanks for sharing your immense knowledge of vehicle living with all of us.&nbsp; <br />Katie
Wow Bob!!!!! I was just thinking yesterday about you and asking myself why you haven't written a book yet, because you write so wonderfully!!!!! I'm so glad you did and that thing's are starting to move ahead for you! You deserve every great thing that happens to you!&nbsp;<br />You are such a wonderful person for doing all this for everyone and also for all the help and advice that you give here and at the RTR's. I am so looking forward to meeting you this winter, myself and my husband will probably be some of the first to be there this year, and I believe we are also thinking about spending the entire winter there so we can explore that area. We are fixin to finally leave from here in just about a week, and we are extremely happy. And I would have never thought about doing something like this in a million years if it wasn't for you and all these hugely wonderful people that I have been happily chatting with for all these months. I am very excited to get out on the road and maybe finally meet some of them. Anyway, I wish you all the happiness and good fortune you could ever want in your life!!!!!<br />Happy camping Bob!!!!!!
Hi Bob.&nbsp; I just bought your book; thanks for writing it.&nbsp; Hope another million people buy it too.&nbsp; Any idea how to get your autograph on an ebook?<br /><br />I also have a NOOK Color reader but I downloaded your book to my Kendle &nbsp;app on my pc.&nbsp; I've read the first page so I know it's there.&nbsp; To those that may not know, the Kendle app for pc is a free app to download to your start screen.<br />Tim
Hey Bob, For us oldtimers who prefer a real book, will this ever come out in paperback?
what format does Nook use Bryan? &nbsp;is a program called Calibre that I keep on the laptop and can convert to alot of them <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> &nbsp;might wanna check that<br /><br />
bk2valve said:
Good for you Bob....Glad you did.<br /><br />I would love to buy a copy and will once I figure out how to put a Kindle book on my Nook reader....I need training...<br />Bri
Hi all,<br />Well thanks to my new best friend, Mortisha...lol....I am all set. I actually had Calibre on my box but had never used it.... <br /><br />Through her good instructions and a couple links to youtube tutorials and some fearless clicking around by the ol' idjit, I got the book, got the Kindle for PC , learned a little of how Calibre works and have the book on my Nook!<br />Now I can get all kinds of books and convert them...what a resource...<br /><br />Nemo, it uses epub.<br /><br />Thanks for your input too and thanks to Bob W. for the book...<br /><br /><br />And Mortisha...you are a pal. See, kinda new on the forum and already providing valuable help to some of us old-timers...awesome...thank you!<br /><br />Bri
Thank you for compiling all of your knowledge and sharing.&nbsp;Definitely&nbsp;on the must read list!
Hi Bob-- I just finished your book; it is real good!&nbsp; A lot of good pointers and very useful information.&nbsp; A good look at reality and what life choices can bring about if a person takes the first step.
Thanks to all of you for the kind words and buying the book. It has been a long hard road getting it all done and published. The next step would be to publish it through Smashwords. They are a distributor of eBooks and they will make it available directly through the Nook and Sony eReaders. With Amazon and Smashwords, you have about 99% of eReaders. BUT, I need a break from books for now!!!<br /><br />It is wildly conceivable it could come out in print. Amazon has a publishing arm that lets you self-publish paperbacks relatively easily and cheaply. But that means a new learning curve, and I hate learning new things!!! i was scared spitless of actually publishing this book because of all the horror stories I had read, (days and days of correcting html formatting errors, and I don't know html) but amazon has improved on it to the point it was actually quite easy. There are some bold formatting errors in the book, but they don't really affect the readability, and when I get some time, I can correct them pretty easily.&nbsp; Bold &lt;b&gt;&nbsp; &lt;/b&gt; (or &lt;strong&gt<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">is one of the few html commands I know!!&nbsp; BOTTOM LINE Don't hold your breath waiting for a paperback version!<br /><br />Having said that, I'm already thinking about my next book! I am considering two ideas: Boondocking on public land and Solar Power.<br /><br />I'm inclined to do solar power next because it is so wonderful and yet so mysterious to most people. It would be one book with 3 parts:<br /><ol><li>Solar Power for dummies: for those who know nothing about electricity and NEVER want to know anything about electricity. Exactly what to buy, who to buy it from and who to take it to to get it installed. Then you stop reading because the rest will just confuse you.</li><li>Solar Power for those with some knowledge of electricity and some desire to learn more and willing to install it themselves.</li><li>Advanced Solar Power to understand some of the concepts like MPPT, wires gauge sizes, voltage meters and troubleshooting.</li></ol>So what do you think, Which should I do first?<br /><br />Or am I missing a topic that is more important? I'd love your opinion. Bob <br /><br />
Hi Mortisha, I just missed getting that book for free. Today it's $5 again. How do you find the free books? I subscribe to the daily email, but the free books in it are always fiction, and I rarely read fiction.<br /><br />My girlfriend has a Kindle Fire, and has convinced me to buy one. i love the looks of Magazines on it! But I hate them on my black and white Kindle. It is just so hard for vandwellers to get magazines that alone makes me want a Fire. But Amazon is about to release the 2nd edition which will be much improved hardware, so I am waiting for it. As soon as it comes out I'll buy one.&nbsp; Bob
Judy, and everyone else, I can't tell you how much it delights me to have played a small role in your following your dreams. That alone makes every word I've ever written on vandwelling well worth it!!<br /><br />Please, please, please, come join us for RTR. It is such a wonderful time for everybody. That goes for everybody on the forum,&nbsp;<span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #993300;"><em><strong>imagine all of us getting together in the beautiful Arizona Desert!!</strong></em></span> <br /><br />Also, you are all welcome in my camp, summer or winter. The more the merrier! Stay for a day, weekend, week, month or the whole season. Those aren't just words i say, I really mean them. Bob<br /><br />
Heya Bob.... I just finished reading your book and let me say it is packed with info that I was needing YAY! I really loved the battery part because that confused me so much, I was worried about it but now I think I got it LOL. Thanks so much for writing a great resource guide!!<br /><br />As for the free books .... I have many different ways I find books for free online.&nbsp;<br />1) On Amazon you can put books on your wish list and if you check it everyday some of the books are marked for free but only for a short time so I check freq.&nbsp;<br /><br />2) On Facebook there are a few different free kindle pages that post the books that come up for free but you must be quick sometimes because Amazon leaves them for free for only a short time... I have seen some for an hour and some for 2 days.&nbsp;<br /><br />3) Many sites out here are dedicated to the ereader and post free books. Mobilism is one that I use. It is a peer to peer site so it has so many books and apps that you just have to check it out and see it all LOL. You can also request books. Here is that link.<br />http://forum.mobilism.org/index.php&nbsp;<br /><br />4) Of course there are many other places to find books for free as well. Just have to google what you are looking for.&nbsp;<br /><br />&nbsp;Hope that helps.... HuggZ
Just bought your book Bob and will begin reading it today, Thanks for everything you do for us.