Yes, welcome. I'm new too, was at last year's RTR in a borrowed van; liked it so much I bought a van and am about half-way through the conversion. I am going to attempt to post some pictures. 440 watts on two solar panels, a 195 ah AGM battery, 45amp MPPT charge controller, etc. I am stoked. My friends range from aghast to "Dude, are you gonna sell power out there in the desert with that array?"
Still not having luck with the photos, maybe they'll appear when I post, they don't when I preview. It they do, I have some more I will post later.
Looking very forward to the 2016 RTR. Bob, I am ready, willing, and moderately able to help with the food. I can't guarantee I'll be any less neurotic or bossy about the prep to those of you who were on the food team last year. By the way, I just want to send a big thank you again to Bob, Judy, Ashe, Jen, Sassy, Maggie, Greg, Atli, CB, Jerry and Nelda, Jess, Lou, Lesa, Sherry, Tony and Karen, and everyone else (whose names I have forgotten and don't seem to be in my contacts) who was at last year's gathering. I had a great time, everyone was so welcoming!
See you in January, or maybe before.