...Bass says, “but these trees are already fire-resilient. This larch, for example, is not only meant to survive fire; it’s meant to prosper from it. These attributes, the species diversity here, the structural diversity of the forest—they need to be studied not clear-cut.
Flying over Oregon doing surveys, I see a checker-board pattern -- clear-cuts between GMO* mono-culture crops... 'stump-farm' plantations.
The forest is gone, replaced by rows of quick-grow "simulated tree-like" crops, engineered to withstand millions of gallons of Round-Up to eliminate any competition in the plantation.
Apparently, somebody had the idea to remove all the decomposable** material, truck it to a BioMass Burner, then burn it to produce a split-second of electricity.
That electric travels through massive cables to homes, businesses, and electric-vehicle chargers.
Those trees took decades to reach the size required by those BioMass Burners.
Then, gone in a split second.
On the 'plus' side and in their defense, petroleum-based defoliants absorbed by the "trees" probably produce a faster burn.
My Final Thought:
A forest is a living thing.
It has a sentience, and is quite capable of deciding to evolve fire-resistant components.
And after that, after the forest says "No more!", those BioMass Burners are out of the electric business.
Does the [alleged] sentience of our species of the past few years supersede all the eons of accumulated wisdom by our rooted brethren?
* Genetic Modified Organisms, plants engineered in laboratories for a short-term singular purpose.
Long-term diversity is intentionally hybrid out of them.
** Decomposable material provides the foundation for successive generations to thrive.
Without compost, plants extract nutrition from soil in diminishing amounts.
Inevitably, soil turns to dirt, dirt returns to sand.
Forests have no need for humans.
Humans desperately need forests.