Insignia TV and 12v cigarette plug

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Jan 9, 2016
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I have bought a 12v DC cigarette plug for my Insignia TV that can be run with 12v DC. After I connected them, I see the indicator light on the TV on but no TV. Doe anyone here know if this is the problem with the plug or something I shall do before I can use the plug.

Thanks in advance for your help.

the plug output must match the TV input. did you make sure it did? highdesertranger
I did check to make sure that. I think I got a faulty plug.
Is this a store bought ciggy plug cord with the Insignia barrell connector, or did you splice a ciggy plug onto the original insignia power cord?

If the Latter, did you ensure the polarity is correct? you had a 50/50 chance if you guessed

If the former, this could be a voltage drop issue, as Ciggy plugs and ciggy receptacles are horrid disgusting highly resistive connectors which insult 12vDC. Try starting vehicle and see if the added voltage allows TV to turn on.

If it does, then you will likely have to bypass the ciggy receptacle you are currently plugging into, and tap 12v closer to battery using thicker wiring.
SternWake said:
Is this a store bought ciggy plug cord with the Insignia barrell connector, or did you splice a ciggy plug onto the original insignia power cord?

If the Latter, did you ensure the polarity is correct?  you had a 50/50 chance if you guessed

If the former, this could be a voltage drop issue, as Ciggy plugs and ciggy receptacles are horrid disgusting highly resistive connectors which insult 12vDC.  Try starting vehicle and see if the added voltage allows TV to turn on.

If it does, then you will likely have to bypass the ciggy receptacle you are currently plugging into, and tap 12v closer to battery using thicker wiring.

I think you are exactly right. I did not do anything with the plug. I bought the plug to connect to the battery. I can use the TV with the car battery. Where can I find something that I can clamp to the battery? I need one with thick wire. Thanks for your advice.

Honestly, I dislike the 12v SAE connector too shown in the products above.  They wear out, and, can all too easily cause a reverse polarity situation.

I would instead get this:

These battery clamps can also be annoying.

But if I really was going to use a ciggy receptacle,  I would use this one:

Feed receptacle with 10AWG wire:(overkill for the ~30 watt TV, unless you use 30 ' of wire)

Crimp these on end of wire to slide over tanks on ciggy receptacle

Fuse for 30 amps, place fuse close to battery.

The blue Seas ciggy plug mates tightly into the blue seas receptacle, better than the Insignia plug will fit.  But the insignia plug will last for a while before becoming loose and causing issues.  When it does cut it off and then install the blue seas plug keeping in mind the center tip is positive and the outer tangs which push on the interior of socket sides

 is the (-).

Get one of these:

It will tell you battery voltage, polarity (which wire is which), and is often given away free with purchase of another item.