In isolation in New Zealand

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Sep 21, 2019
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Hi folks

We are currently 'camped out' in my sister in laws camper van outside my mother in laws doing our 14 days isolation after flying in from Sydney on wednesday. We got one of the last qantas flights out of australia.

I have been working as an outdoor instructor and my wife for an airline. I've been stood down now and my wife later next week. We saw this coming with just enough time to do something positive. On saturday we saw that wednesday was the last qantas flights out and made the decision to put our stuff in storage. We have given our notice on our rented house. As expats in Australia we would t have been eligible for any government support. Here at least we have our family network.

The RV gives us an amazing resilience in the current situation.

The van is based on a VW crafter. It's got about 250k km on the clock. It's an ex rental. It's good but has a few issues I'd like to get sorted while we have spare time.

The battery is done and the van has no solar. Solving these 2 issues would be a great thank you for being lent it as well as giving us more options/freedom while we are using it. For now we are tied to an electric hook up.

There are a couple of other minor problems like the electric flush isn't working on the toilet and I think the shower is leaking a bit but those should be easy ish to solve. The fact the van has a shower and toilet is pretty luxurious tbh.

The bigger challenge is NZ being in complete lockdown for the next 4 weeks at least. This means all non essential businesses are closed and all non essential travel banned. This means no access to the parts needed to solve the van's problems right now.

Having said all that I'm quite enjoying van life. Clearing out our house and ditching so much of the clutter we had accumulated was a very positive process plus the restriction on what we could actually take on the plane means we have really cut back on 'our stuff'

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