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Active member
Jun 13, 2019
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For reasons all known my original username is no longer usable so here I am with a fresh start.

7 years ago I ventured out in a small pickup with a campershell to test the waters of living off grid.  I lived out of my campershell for 6 months with varying success.  Nothing spectacular to report since I mainly camped in spots around Colorado fleeing forest fires ravaging the state at the time.  This was a time that I could figure out what gear I needed and what I didn't need.  My plan was to figure out what I'm most comfortable with and what to do to stay busy for later when I am ready to do it fulltime.  During this time I've been keeping up with the forum as well as other resources but since I'm not living it - yet - I didn't feel my input could be important.   Still isn't, but hope to be helpful soon.

Later is here.  I'm currently residing in Wyoming working at a homeless shelter and expect to retire in the near future.   I'm currently considering van living rather rv living because the one thing I had trouble with was staying busy.  My plan is to work out of my van part-time part of the year and with help from the forum I have some direction. I'm looking at stealth type setups for this purpose. 
I'm nearing sixty , male , single with most of my health left and plan hiking the Appalachian trail and the pct before it's too late to do it.  Im currently pursuing a cargo van in my budget range that I can comfortably outfit.  I have already accumulated some of what I need and will probably do most of the work while I'm on the road.  Such as solar and insulation. I'm hoping to check out the rtr this year if possible but it seems it may have gotten too big before I got the chance.  I remember when it was a small group 10 years ago.
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