Ignoring a knock

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Hey! Welcome to my forum! Which is our own little corner of the internet. And I really HATE people pissing in my corners. Take this off-list now.

This is not a discussion. This is a battle to be "righter" than somebody else. I do not see one shred of I formation here that is actually useful to anyone, what with all the possible variables.

Last warning.
Thanks katie. this really got out of control. ref: National Building and Maintenance Code or the International Building and Maintenance Code. Rule of the land in most incorporated areas of the US.
My apologies to those of you (most of you) who were able to share varying points of view without sarcasm or arrogance. You are welcome to continue the discussion.
This is a very informative thread, great to know this stuff. That said, to my understanding, it is illegal here to park and live in a vehicle/rv/etc anywhere but an rv/mh park, including private property, as in someone's driveway. This is Riverside county, California. I'm in Palm Springs specifically. I've looked up the codes and it seems pretty clear. Of course, enforcement is spotty, complaint driven. I see homeowners that have rvs on the side of their home, or behind strategically placed fencing. But they are hooked up, clear to those of us "in the know" that someone's living in it.<br>I'm scared of having the cop knock. My preference would be to be quiet and ignore the knock, but cops have the upper hand. The law is on my side, but the cop's word is stronger than mine. He/she can say whatever. Way too many reports lately of cops abusing their power.<br>Being courteous, being aware of surroundings, listening to your "gut", avoiding as much as possible being where you might get the knock....<br>I am stuck for now in town due to work.&nbsp;
And I had to laugh at the "plowing under the influence". I had a friend who used to drink and work around big farm equipment, especially at haying time. I shoulda called the police on him, seriously. It is so dangerous, sober, let alone tipsy. No way I was stacking bales behind him. But I never considered there might be a law against it. I am so used to doing what I want out here on the farm. I suppose there are laws that affect us. We are fairly isolated, and pretty quiet. I would like to see them pull me out of my van, though. Kicking and screaming :)
Hi Katie<br>Glad I made you laugh, at least. Need I mention the guy arrested for 'mowing under the influence' on his little riding lawnmower?<br>Oh, and if the cops ever try to drag you out of your van, I gotts a $50 on you! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br><br>On a more serious note, I have also read stories about people being arrested and charged with DUI for merely standing next to their vehicle while under the influence in certain areas, which I find disturbing. An officer has no way of knowing if the person intends to drive or is just getting their stuff so they can catch a taxi or ride from a sober friend.<br>Not strictly on topic, but something that folks should be aware of so that they can check local laws.<br>More on topic- be very careful about imbibing when vandwelling. Even if you are on private property with permission, parked legally and have no intention of driving, that knock could mean a DUI, or at least an expensive legal hassle.
So basically it all depends on where you live, just go look up the rules there.
I don't understand all the posts about the police being liars and not to talk to them.&nbsp; Some people obviously have large chips on the their shoulders.&nbsp; Hopefully they will understand that police officers are people that are responding to complaints from other people.&nbsp; You may not always agree with their decisions, but don't make them out to be knuckle dragging thugs that only seek to hassle people.&nbsp; Those types don't pass probation (and yes, there are exceptional jerks in every job).
I have known some horrific people in all walks of life. I understand the viewpoint that a person in a place of power has quite an ability to abuse it. And all too many do. But not all of them.

Some vandwellers are horrific people too.we don't want to be painted by their broad brush.

You want scary, try facing down a surgeon who just came from the OR stoned out of his mind. Now that is some abuse of power. Or the nurse who steals her cancer patients pain meds. The train conductor driving twice tbe recommended speed when the train flies off the tracks. There are many places of power, often abused.
So.... I shouldn't answer 'the knock', but if I do, don't say anything and make sure I'm not drinking a beer while plowing&nbsp;a field in the city?<img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/confused.gif">&nbsp;.... <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif">
Exactly! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
Geez, I kept wondering if they would be mad if I posted on here about this being another a classic "pissing contest" but Katie covered it. Lol
<br>&nbsp;I just Wondering why not use business Advertisement&nbsp; word and logo on cargo van like picture so cop thought y dont live there so wont bother you?&nbsp; just park normal on parking lot or street? <br><br>&nbsp;also some company will pay y if y let them put Advertisement on your vehicle<img rel="lightbox" src="http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/8056/10o6.jpg" class="bbc_img">?&nbsp;
Van-Tramp said:
I do not sleep in my van within city limits unless I am on private property with permission (Private home, RV park, Moose Lodge, etc). I do not park on public streets or property in which I do not have permission to park/sleep. I either pay to camp, have permission to stay on private property, or I go outside of city limits to BLM or National Forest land. I do not condone anyone breaking the law or city ordinances. I do not stealth camp for the sake of doing something illegal... I stealth to keep the vagrants away from my van.<br><br>I feel for those that need to live in a city in a van because of their need to make some money... but <strong>your "need" does not give you the right to break the law</strong>. Either find a job more suitable to your lifestyle, or rent a room or RV space. You/We chose to live in a van, on the fringes of society... so get OUT there on the fringe, not smack in the middle of it expecting a free-ride! Don't make MY life more difficult (causing knocks on my door) because YOU want your life to be easier (illegally living next door to your employer so you can save a few bucks). Very uncool, and the exact reason why these laws are in place to begin with.<br><br>But this is a whole different topic... allow me to go back to the original topic of ignoring a knock at the door;<br><br>Even if you ARE breaking a law by sleeping in your van, you may still refuse to answer questions and even refuse to answer a knock in the middle of the night... and you would be wise to do both. The officer does not know you are sleeping in your van until you answer the door and answer his question, "oh sorry to wake you..."&nbsp; "Oh that's no problem officer"&nbsp;&nbsp; "So you admit to sleeping in your van, put your hands behind your head..."<br><br>Opening your door may allow him to see your sleeping bag, which may give him probable cause to arrest you for sleeping in your van.<br>Opening your mouth (remember, it is against the law to lie to an officer) and you will ADMIT to violating the law and he could arrest you.<br><strong>Ignoring the knock will NOT result in your arrest. It is that simple.</strong>
What if they know your in the van because they used thermal imaging technology , At this point they knocked and you didn't answer , where would it go from there?
Mobilesport said:
What if they know your in the van because they used thermal imaging technology , At this point they knocked and you didn't answer , where would it go from there?

That's illegal to do to a home as it's been ruled an invasion of privacy. I don't know if that privacy would apply to a vehicle.
Simran said:
Delta,<br>Maybe I just inherently expect to be bothered at some point because it is out of the norm's of the society we live in. Any time we cross that line we are begging to bring someone a long eventually; if even for just a moment. It is what/how we choose to address/handle that moment that will make all the difference in our lives and theirs. <br><br>Use it as an opportunity to educate; not alienate.<br><br>Gus
Nicely put Simran ... 8+)
I have considered this.  How would this work?

Knocking continues,

Me, shout I am calling 911 (call 911)
My name is John Doe, 
I am located at 123 somewhere USA,
I was resting in my van and someone is banging on the doors, I am afraid to open them. Is it really the police?
When they say yes, go to the door with headphones around your neck.