idea for spice storage

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Aug 30, 2011
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Here's a question for all the cooks that love to cook. I'm an inventor (I try to be lol)&nbsp; and I saw this ad for a swivel storage for spice among many other uses and I was thinking maybe it would just be better in space is if you could pull the spice rack outwards with out swiveling so that way you can store twice as much in an ordinary cabinet. b/c I know space is like the elusive unicorn lol. the only issue I have is having to possibly drill the back so it doesn't tip forward or possibly putting sticky tape under it. also make sure it has walls so it doesn't bounce out of the rack on the road.<br>b/c I know good cooking means sacrificing awesome cooking for space and I'm trying to come up with ways of making a compromise. plus my plan is make more for also other projects like putting my arts and crafts supplies in small jars for it. (turn the jars in to my etc rack of misc. crap lol) <br>what I'm wondering is whats your ideas on it?&nbsp; do you like it? any suggestions on better things to add to it? a bad comment is still an opinion even if it smells like crap. I still like the help lol thanks you guys.<br><br>
<B>You need to do some drawings of what you mean. I'm interested but do not understand written (or spoken) concepts&nbsp; well. Johnny Canuck gives us images of his inventions. Blkjak and AJ make what they are doing understandible with pics. Sorry, don't mean to lamblast you but I'm just worried about the unicorn upturning all of your baby food jars and sage and tarragon and craft buttons spilling all over the floor of your ride and you getting stuck in the sticky tape trying to shoo the unicorn out.<IMG border=0 align=absMiddle src=""></B><BR><B><FONT size=4>Dragonfly</FONT></B><BR>
I<FONT size=3> like that swivel storage, and if I can't find someone to make me that other spice racking (about 6 of them, for under every cupboard) then I'd go that route.</FONT><br><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<br><FONT size=3>I found, with my own lack of storage in this house, that anything that goes in the cupboards needs to be square/cube-ish to maximize the the space.</FONT><br>
Hi guys .... this was something that came up on my trip this weekend. I only had salt, pepper, and a bunch of ketchup and soy sauce packets (hey, sometimes you gotta go native!) in my mobile kitchen. To make matters worse I forgot to bring along some cooking oil. I managed to make it all work somehow. It didn't hurt none that Robin &amp; Susan kept on feeding me on this trip.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>Cyndi - I love that spice rack!!!! Could you link me to the seller?</div><div><br></div>
<P>Just call it your 'shake down cruise'.&nbsp; How was the omi-omnini- well, you know what I mean, the gathering?</P>
dragonflyinthesky said:
<b>Is that oregano, do you grow it yourself? <img src="" align="absMiddle" border="0"></b><br><b>Here is the solution for storage.</b><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a><br><br><b><font color="#ff00ff" size="4">Dragonfly</font></b><br><br>
<br><br>That's where I got my idea but change it a tad. Screw in the base &amp; instead of swiveling just have it come straight out. So that way the spices don't need to be placed in the center of the cabinet but can be filled completely.<br>
<P>She, I have a vision of one&nbsp; of those under every above-the-counter&nbsp;cabinet! I MUST have them!</P>
<P>I was going to try to find 2 empty bottles like this at the contatiner store and fill it with my favorite spices.&nbsp; It's pretty neat to have one bottle that holds 5 different spices.&nbsp; I'm only gonna be on the road for short periods of time though.&nbsp; </P>

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