I started today....

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Aug 6, 2018
Reaction score
Santa Fe NM
I've been watching this website and others reading everthing I can about how the hell to make this leap...

This morning I woke up, made tea and though I always knew there would be a day I would start, I just didn't know it would be today!

Three boxes packed. Ready to sell. It wasn't too hard. I followed the article about starting with the easy stuff...

I know harder decisions are in front of me but this felt good. Really good.

I have a 4runner. Pretty beat up but for now with only a 5 mile commute round trip, I feel ok with it. I will be asking the hard questions closer to the final push about road worthinesd and possibly a changover to a van. But probably not next spring after attending the RTR.

So much to learn and as a 67 yr old woman, its terrifying and more exciting than anything I have considered in many years!

I will be asking alot in appropriate forums. Thanks in advance for helping this newbie.

Any input gratefuy accepted!
Welcome Chaser to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
welcome chaser....

the first step is always the hardest....

the next steps will get the momentum going

when your in top gear, things will go much more smoothly
