A great proposal is much like a great gift. It isn't about what you or anybody else wants. It's about what matters most to her. I will give you an example. My daughter loves one college football team. I have always liked their rival. When I get her a gift it is for the team she likes. It's her gift. It is even more special to her because it's not what I like the most. She knows it was given with only thoughts of what mattered to her. <br><br>The same rule applies, but is even more important when it comes to a proposal. Think about all the things she truly loves and that are truly important to her. For instance, you may have a very special place that involves the two of you that holds great emotional meaning for her. That would be a wonderful place to propose. There may be an activity you two do together that means a lot to her. Something tied to that would be a great choice. <br><br>My first wife who passed away ten years ago had a few grey hairs when we were going together. They really bothered her. She had me pluck them for her. I saved them and one day we went to a park we had one of our first dates in and went to spend time together at an awful lot. She had been looking for a new hair brush. I gave her a little present wrapped up.<br><br>Inside was a new brush with the grey hairs that I had saved on it. In the package was a note telling her that I loved her and wanted to be with her and brush her hair when all of it looked just like the hairs in the brush. That was when I proposed. It meant so very much to her. <br><br>As long as your proposal ties in with something that was important between the two of you it will be a great proposal. Think about her and your love together and what means the most to her and you can't fail.