I need a good marriage proposal idea?

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Apr 5, 2013
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Hello all I've been with my better half for four years. I acquired her a ring 5 months prior and STILL have not given <br>it to her in light of the fact that I can't think about a great, <br>remarkable <a href="http://www.yourproposal.co.uk/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">proposal idea uk</a>. Does anybody have any distinctive ideas to offer?
A great proposal is much like a great gift.&nbsp; It isn't about what you or anybody else wants.&nbsp; It's about what matters most to her.&nbsp; I will give you an example.&nbsp; My daughter loves one college football team.&nbsp; I have always liked their rival.&nbsp; When I get her a gift it is for the team she likes.&nbsp; It's her gift.&nbsp; It is even more special to her because it's not what I like the most.&nbsp; She knows it was given with only thoughts of what mattered to her.&nbsp; <br><br>The same rule applies, but is even more important when it comes to a proposal.&nbsp; Think about all the things she truly loves and that are truly important to her.&nbsp; For instance, you may have a very special place that involves the two of you that holds great emotional meaning for her.&nbsp; That would be a wonderful place to propose.&nbsp; There may be an activity you two do together that means a lot to her.&nbsp; Something tied to that would be a great choice.&nbsp; <br><br>My first wife who passed away ten years ago had a few grey hairs when we were going together.&nbsp; They really bothered her.&nbsp; She had me pluck them for her.&nbsp; I saved them and one day we went to a park we had one of our first dates in and went to spend time together at&nbsp;an awful lot.&nbsp; She had been looking for a new&nbsp;hair brush.&nbsp; I gave her a little present wrapped up.<br><br>Inside was a new brush with&nbsp;the grey hairs that I had saved on it.&nbsp; In the package was a note telling her that I loved her and wanted to be with her and brush her hair when all of it looked just like the hairs in the brush.&nbsp; That was when I proposed.&nbsp; It meant so very much to her.&nbsp;<br><br>As long as your proposal ties in with something that was important between the two of you it will be a great proposal.&nbsp; Think about her and your love together and what means the most to her and you can't fail.
Anything you did with your heart will be the best way to make a proposal