I love camping!

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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2017
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So glad to have stumbled on to this group. I have camped all my life while doing the corporate bit. A weekend here a precious week there. I have made it possible to now work remotely and this weekend I start full-time RV'ing :D . I'm so glad there are other people out there like me. Also, I just purchased my first RV (always camped with a truck and tent) and looking forward to mixing the best of both worlds. Hands down the best experiances of my life have happened around a communal camp fire and I look forward to sharing a fire or two with some of you.
WELCOME Zardor. I think it's a safe assumption that most here like to camp. :) You say you just picked up an RV? What did you get?
A 24ft 1999 Tioga Phoenix flyer. I just equipped it with solar and performed all the necessary maintenance - I can't wait to take it out. I will start packing it tomorrow. First destination somewhere around Flag or Munds Park for a relief of this Phoenix heat!
Welcome. I for one am envious because Im at job I hate, paying for a crumbling roof and stuck here currently.

Pictures of your rig please!
Hi, welcome aboard.

I've camped all my life as well when ever I could find the time as well as road trips on motorcyles, jeeps, and in the back of vans. I've owned a few RV trailers and one slide in truck camper too. Now I'm trying to decide on how exactly i'll hit the road for more extended periods if not indefinitely. I'm fortunate enough to have a few different options so it's just figuring out the best and smartest way to proceed. Proving easier said than done.

Post some pics of the new RV, we like pictures!
Every Road Leads Home said:
   I've camped all my life as well when ever I could find the time as well as road trips on motorcycles, jeeps, and in the back of vans. 

Sounds a lot like me in my younger days.
Welcome to the CRVL forums Zardor! Congratulations on your new home! Sounds like you'll have the best of two worlds.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
I was lucky enough to grow up in Pennsylvania near the Appalachian Trail. Spent a LOOOT of time up there. ;)
Hi Zardor, I've been camping for as long as I can remember. I grew up in Oregon, a wonderful state for enjoying the great outdoors. My dad LOVED to camp and he handed that love down to me. I just got back from a week in the Tetons and now I'm grumpy at being home. I can't wait until I can go full time in January!
Congratulations on finding your new home! You're getting ready to start a wonderful adventure.
Hey everyone thank you for all the responses to this post. I have been without internet for a month - long story, so just seeing these responses for the first time. A quick update. Been out and about a little, but back in Phoenix (My family base) to do some more mods to my rig to make it more practical for me in my pets to live in full time. Had I known then what I know now I would have chosen a different rig all together, but I will make this one work out. Again thank u all. I'll post pics after construction.
Hey Xardor,
Please elucidate on why you picked the wrong rig and what would work better for you. We all want to learn from other's mistakes (and besides, I might be getting a trailer down the road and can't afford to make a big mistake). Inquiring minds want to know. Thank you,
Zardor just remember you are living in a 24 foot long heavy motorhome your motor is your best friend, keep the wear and tear down by not overworking it, be overly concerned very pricey to tow and have work done.
Hey walkabout Ted. Good point. I'm 6 foot and about 280. I'm a big boy. My rv has the bed in the back off to one side and the bathroom on the other. It's a challenge for me to crawl back there - and the feeling of claustrophobia is high. So I'm removing the wall to the bathroom along with the door. It will permit me to get in bed from the side and I don't really use the rest room - it's wasted space. Ill keep the toilet and sink, but killing the shower. So far I raised my dinette by about 6 inches (I keep it down as a couch and my dogs sleep under it, before lifting it was too tight with there bed to go under. I know have the dinette tabel under the cushions and i can pull it out when needed. I removed the little chair and used the bolts to secure a little desk. I also decommissioned the refrigerator and it's now a pantry. I have a small 12 volt refrigerator that I keep between the front and passenger seat. The over the cab bed on this model is so tight that using it as a bed is impossible so I'll be removing the mattress and organizing it with a home made pulley system and using for storage. Ill post a little walk through video when im done in a week or so.
Welcome to the CRVL Forums   :) 

I've posted here several times about RVing while in the Corporate Life.   I was working out of a Ford Van and pulling a small econo car behind it and using the Camper converted Cargo Van
to move around the Corporate bases.  The married with kids folks didn't want to do it and because I was single I found a way the "single people's glass ceiling" by being able to move quickly to new locations living in temp arranged apartments or otherwise living quarters.

I didn't have the Internet going for me then but if I had I may have just gone into a small biz set up for myself  and chucked the Corporate life.  But being able to work remotely from your Corp may not be too bad of a gig. 

Being able to get away from a Corporate job where there is no Cell Service "LOL" could be a great stress reliever. 

I see a TV Commercial lately where a female employee is haunted in her sleep by another female Supervisor requesting her to answer an email before she wakes up.  Yeah.  She needs an RV of some kind.
Well I quit the corporate gig. They put so many conditions on working remote that I would have been tied to a house or apartment. And I just can't live like that anymore. I'm resourceful with a nest egg - another door, that respects my freedom will open. Until then, I'm enjoying being temporarily unemployed. Ill likely just create some type of internet based business. Free and not giving it up!
Welcome Zardor

They say buy your second RV first but how do you know until you try something.

I understand being big at 6'4" and at times up to 260 myself. Stuff just isn't built for my comfort because it would be uncomfortable for most people. I could not sit in the dinette for long and removed it for a battery box and a chair that I can sit in. My bathroom is big enough that I can close the door while in use but I'd change the tub to a stall if I could. I can barely move in there and were it not for the skylight I would not be able to stand up. Like you I find it easier to modify than find something to fit. It's not like we can walk into a Big and Tall shop and get a RV.

I hope we run into each other and can discuss what to do on line. I spent two years making sure I am never without internet, I might as well put it to good use.