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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2019
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Southern Utah
I'm a 61 year old happily married woman who still wants to travel.
My husband no longer dose.
I plan to buy a Prius very soon to travel to see family, friends, house sit and boon dock with people I've met through Rving groups.
I have had two 5th wheels and am currently selling my Toyota Mini Motor Home.
I prefer to travel in a Prius because it is just "me" traveling and my trips will be short 1-3 weeks and I may drive a lot in a short period of time.
Pam! Welcome to the CRVL forums! I'm your neighbor to the south. I got stuck in Vegas, here for most of the summer.

Have you seen Suanne's blog? She's been living out of a Prius for awhile now. Previously, she was traveling up to 6 moths at a time
There are quite a few others that call a Prius home
Welcome Pam to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.

hahaha you got a double welcome.

Hi Pam and welcome. Hope you have a great time traveling around!
Hi highdesertranger

Thank you, yes I am just now learning how to work the site.
By you avatar it looks like you may be into gold panning?
Hi Wabbit

Thanks for your response!

It took me a while because I was messing around trying to give myself an avatar with no luck.
Maybe we will bump into each other on the road!
Hi cyndi

Thanks for your response!

I use to live in Las Vegas for 14 years. Now I've been in southern Utah for 14-15 years.
I will check out the information you recommended.

You say you stuck in Las Vegas?
yep prospector here, do you know any secret spots?. you can post your RV for sale now. highdesertranger
Dear highdesertranger

I have never panned or sloused for gold, I'm in Utah with is not known for much gold, I've always read to go where it has already been found.
There is a rumor that gold butte on the north side of lake mead may have some,
I would guess the Calif sierras would be the best bet !!!

Thanks for the info on posting my RV !
Welcome! You will find lots of helpful information in these forums! It takes time to sift through all the posts, but I bet any questions you have will be talked about here.

Safe and Happy Travels!
Thanks BuenaVista

Yes it dose time to sift through all the posts.

But it's worth it to find the needed info :)
Utah Pam,

You are going to have a great time!

Once, when my husband was still alive, my daughter called me and invited us to go with her and her husband to Las Vegas for a few days (fly and hotel).  Hubbie flat out refused, saying "I don't gamble."  I told him there were other things to do, shows, etc., and he wouldn't budge.  He always planned our trips and I always went along with his plans (good wife).  Well, that time, I told him, "Ok, but I'm going."  He said, "Without me??"  And I said, "Yes."  After a few minutes, he said he would go.  And we did and he had so much fun, that for years afterwards, that was where we would go -- couple times a year.  Like it was his idea to start with!  LOL!!

So don't be too surprized if your sweetie decides to go now and then with you!  Maybe reconsider selling the Toyota mini motor home, at least for now?

Best wishes!
Hi mbgalvez
Yesterday was a BIG day, all in ONE day we sold our motor home and bought a used Prius.
My husband is thrilled, he calls it a space age car!
Now I have to plan my first trip.
Probably will visit friends and family in Calif..
Hi Stargazer

Thanks for that nice message and story about that Las Vegas trip!!!

Yesterday was a BIG day, all in ONE day we sold our motor home and bought a used Prius.
My husband is thrilled, he calls it a space age car!
Now I have to plan my first trip.
I probably will visit friends and family in California first.