How to store powders and oils?

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May 20, 2018
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As a DIY doctor, I am finding myself inundated with baking soda and coconut oil leaking out of whatever container I put them in.  I clean my first aid/health supply kit and it's not long before my double ziplocked/duct tape enforced baking soda is spread out everywhere!  I am assuming that lotion and oils leak out due to expansion/contraction of sealed jars when the temp changes?!  I can't figure this out but I am trying to get very expensive medicinal oil out of my clothes and their fabric bag and I am so mad I could scream!!! Tell me about your high quality containment products!!!!!!  Point me to links and your experiences!  Thank you.
How did you store them when you lived in a building? And why wouldn't that work now?

I use little 4oz ball jelly jars. I have three of them in my shower kit with all the other hygiene supplies. One has arrowroot powder. One has baking soda. One has coconut oil mixed with tea tree oil. They are easy to clean and I've stored my shower supplies like this for a couple years now, through all seasons. I've left my kit in the truck in summer weather. It was in the 80s (F) outside, but easily over 100° in the truck. Also, I just kind of toss the kit in my big bag without bothering to keep the jars right-side-up. The 4oz jars are really sturdy. When I say I toss the kit around, I really do. I think they are tougher than a quart Mason jar. I just make sure that the lids are screwed on tight. They've never leaked.

The one downside to these jars is they are heavy. If you're trying to keep your cargo weight down, these won't help that.

Here's a link to the ones I use -

You can find them anywhere canning supplies are sold.



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Oh I forgot to mention that they are freezer safe too. Just fill to the line as directed in the "for freezer use" instructions. Easy peasy.

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Ball makes a small spice jar, 4-6 oz, that is more vertical than horizontal, and they are pretty leakproof, in my experience.

I dislike the weight of glass, most of the time, and prefer silicone travel containers in my toiletry kit.