How to get Rig as a Foreigner

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H from UK

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Nov 8, 2019
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Greetings from UK.
I am semi-retired and looking to buy a rig for ongoing use and up to 2 annual 3 monthly travel trips through US and possibly Canada as well; with a storage point when I return to UK.
My research has shown its possible, but I am looking for advice and tips as to how [logistics] and where [ebay/dealer] and what [type of rig].
It will be for 2 persons, myself and partner, am not looking for large RV or small van, also require shower and toilet and possibly solar panels for boondocking.
Likely options are 24ft C Class or car & caravan?  Budget is up to 50k USD, would prefer rig not older than 5 years.
Any advice is WELCOME !

Give Bob a Hug

I can't advice where to buy an RV, but when you'll find option I can advice useful stuff I bought for my RV, a always research before buying and have useful links saved, but I should go by what model will you have
Where will you be buying at, and traveling to. There are plenty of sites to look at/research/buy RVs. If you are local, try Craigslist, or Facebook Marketplace. If you want to look nationwide, try to narrow down your options.
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