How? to clear the runway for take off

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Annie W

Well-known member
Feb 7, 2018
Reaction score
What if you know what you want,
along with increasing awareness of how to succeed in the next pleasurable journey.

But (other than common advice of 'eat the elephant 1 bite at a time'), don't know how to clear multiple (family+finance) obstacles on the runway.
If you think this is too silly to be asking, just skip it.

Positive helpful suggestions welcome. Enjoy a wonderful day :)
Start with simple tasks you know you can accomplish. Success brings success. All this change is going to take time, maybe more than you have, don't let time become an issue. Find something you have done each day and be happy you did something to reach your goals.
When I made my shower sprayer, I used it in my house for months before I went mobile. This way I knew exactly how it work, how much water to put in it, how long it would take to heat the water, how much energy it took to heat the water both with a JetBoil and with an electric hot pot, how well the sprayers I tried would work, etc. Once I did that, that was one less thing one my mind. It is technically the one-bite-at-a-time thing, but not while I'm well outside my comfort zone. I did this in my then currently comfortable, predictable life with a shower back up.

I also got a free slide in camper that I stayed in during the summer to see how well I would react to the lack of space and the hot/cold. I was exposed to all the noises and smells and the stressful over-concern of getting in trouble for living in a camper.

I did other things like that. When I moved into my trailer, the stress was MUCH lower because I new what I was doing to an extent and was acclimated to the different things. Like having a limited amount of water. That one was a weird one for me, but was overall easy. I had the time to do this, though. I wasn't thrust into it. I would have made it, but those trial-by-fire things are good to avoid most of the time.

With many things, I've learned it was a process. I didn't learn it, then do it. It wasn't hard, but it wasn't that simple most of the time. Sometimes it was hard, but no where near as hard as I had feared. It was interesting to face my fear and just do it. A cool feeling indeed. I wasn't as much of a wuss as I thought I was!
bullfrog said:
Start with simple tasks you know you can accomplish.  Success brings success.  All this change is going to take time, maybe more than you have, don't let time become an issue.  Find something you have done each day and be happy you did something to reach your goals.
Everything you said is true.

Somewhat embarassed to have started this, having already achieved more than most feel humanly possible.  
Opportunities plus challenges for which solely responsible I find my way, & have mentored others too.
others are involved who caused many multiple $1000's damages; & I don't know how to right their harm.
And when for every 4 positive steps I take, family compounds complications, I have a hard time saying 'no'.
Intrinsically happy, Aiming to make others happy too is really their own opportunity.
And tho Jesus is my best friend, it helps having others' support too.

Thank you for reaching out bullfrog.
You were smart to prepare beforehand, so when you did launch, it was familiar - enough so you could enjoy it more, & were ready for further fun.

Having already lived out of a truck for some months, plus with all of Bob's generous videos, and 1000's of helpful suggestions shared here, I think this part I can learn & adapt easily enough, except for electrical.
Not afraid, I actually welcome new opportunities, & I've decided how living in a vehicle will fit into the lifestyle I want. Now, if I can just get there.

Thank you for also reaching out Canine.
Just go camping, plain old camping.
A tent not a condo a two person tent
A two burner stove sleeping bag and a light blanket. So you can add or subtract due to temperature. Cooler/fridge what you have doesn't matter. And a camp chair and table. Then take what you think you will use. If you didn't use it on the trip place it off in another box or plastic tote. My favorite. At the end of the weekend remove the items you didn't use and think of what you could have used. And keep going until your gear does everything you need it to do. After that add the vehicle and you are pretty much a seasoned van person. Once you have mastered basic camping moving up into a van is much easier to do. And keep the tent also because sometimes it's nice to pitch it and sleep outside when it's warm out. I still sleep on my Coleman air mattress. It's held up for seven years now.
I don't deflate it every day like I used to and I made a heavy cotton mattress cover for it. So now I just pull it off and wash it instead of the mattress. Plus the sheets stay in place much better. This is the way I decided on what I need or don't need just by the process of elimination or addition.
I hope this can help you with the transition from bricks and sticks to a mobile life without feeling like your missing something. Best regards.

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^^^ Being a longtime backpacker made it very easy for me to transition to vandwelling. When you are accustomed to carrying everything on your back, even a van seems palatial. :)
From first two responses, & also "just plain camping, & pack packing" it became obvious that my Intent for this discussion was mis-understood.

Let me try again:
True as stated, as far as the adventure & the journey of living even part-time from a vehicle-home is not to be feared, but enjoyed. It has many advantages, already experienced more or less. - But not everyone has it as easy... as Watch Bob, give away 94+%, & just live out of a car.
Some have pressing challenges that precede all that.
I chose this title because I thought asking : "How? to clear the runway ..." was enough to find out what someone can do BEFORE any of the above suggestions are started. In other words, when others Ill intended intentionally harm us, to such an extent that the Launch of a lifestyle change must be postponed. - And instead one is forced to deal with consequences/fall-out of others' criminal actions, (as for example, if one is to escape the fate of the 14 astronauts on Challenger, & Columbia). Again, "How? to clear the runway ..."
Annie W said:
From first two responses, & also "just plain camping, & pack packing" it became obvious that my Intent for this discussion was mis-understood.

Let me try again:
True as stated, as far as the adventure & the journey of living even part-time from a vehicle-home is not to be feared, but enjoyed. It has many advantages, already experienced more or less. - But not everyone has it as easy... as Watch Bob, give away 94+%, & just live out of a car.
Some have pressing challenges that precede all that.
I chose this title because I thought asking : "How? to clear the runway ..." was enough to find out what someone can do BEFORE any of the above suggestions are started. In other words, when others Ill intended intentionally harm us, to such an extent that the Launch of a lifestyle change must be postponed. - And instead one is forced to deal with consequences/fall-out of others' criminal actions, (as for example, if one is to escape the fate of the 14 astronauts on Challenger, & Columbia). Again, "How? to clear the runway ..."

It is difficult to guess at what it is you need to "clear" and therefore rather hard to provide a response that can offer really solid advice or suggestions.  There are ton of people here that are more than happy to help you be successful if they understand your specific obstacles.  

To understand the task clearly will determine the tool(s) best used.  If a broom won't do it, get a shovel.  If a shovel won't do it, get tractor.

This is fully intended to be a positive way to help you get the help that I know is available for you here.

Stay positive and stay determined.  I wish you only the best as you proceed.
Annie W said:
But (other than common advice of 'eat the elephant 1 bite at a time'), don't know how to clear multiple (family+finance) obstacles on the runway.
If you think this is too silly to be asking, just skip it.
And tho Jesus is my best friend, it helps having others' support too.
It's not a silly thing to be asking at all, Annie.  And the first word I would use to describe folks in this forum, is supportive!  I want to respond as a fellow Christ follower, and recognizing some of myself in a bit of one of your posts.

I had a hard time saying no, too.  I struggled for years with perfectionistic tendencies, wanting everything to be just right, and sincerely wanted to help folks in trouble.  And I still feel that way.  But, it got to the point that saying 'yes' and not setting boundaries for others overtook and overwhelmed me.  I was like a lake with a bunch of streams running out of it, giving to others.  But I had no streams coming back in to replenish me.  The result?  My lake dried up and I had nothing left to give because I didn't set any boundaries.  I tried to help everyone else at the expense of myself.  Not only is that not healthy, or even possible, it's not biblical.  Regardless of your feelings, it's not your responsibilty to fix other people's problems.  You can be there, listen to, encourage, and pray for/with them, but fixing the problem... it's rarely our job.

God allows situations and circumstances to happen to people generally for two main reasons:
1)  He's trying to get their attention.
2)  He's allowing the consequences of their choices/actions to play out so they'll finally turn to Him in full surrender and let Him take over.  If you try to fix things, you could very well be going against God's plan for that person.  

I have to be honest.  Your posts are too vague in details for folks to give you the more accurate advice you're looking for.  Fair enough if you don't care to spill the details.  I'm the last person to ever fault anyone for not doing so!  So, based on what you said, here's what I understand:

A family member made a bad choice that was illegal (or got the law involved) and hurt other people.  Now there are enormous financial obligations for that person.  You feel obligated to help, and guilty for having your own dream to hit the road, leaving the others involved to deal with the situation.  You're asking how to reconcile the situation so you can live your dream.  Whether this is correct or not, it's how I understood what you wrote.  So, in that light, I can only see two things you can do to 'clear the runway for take-off':

1.  Top Priority for anyone who calls themselves a Christian is to surrender the situation to God.  Pour your heart out to Him and seek Him.  Do not act on the situation in fear, anger, or with your own understanding or emotions. (Proverbs 3:5-6)  Wait until you're led to.  I've always found prayer and fasting, especially over a serious situation, to be, hands down, the absolutely best thing you can do.  It's never failed me.  Give the situation to God, do what He leads you to do, obey what you've been led to do (or not do), and leave the results up to Him.  In a nutshell, that's what Christians are called to do:  Obey and leave the results up to Him.  And in the meantime, prioritize your own relationship with God through His Word, worship, prayer, study and just plain being with Him!  That's how we learn to hear His voice and know His will!  If you call yourself a Christian and ignore this, then no matter what you do, or try, you're working outside of God's will and will be left to your own devices.

2.  It can help to prioritize the problems.  What's the most important thing that needs to be taken care of in the situation, above everything else?  Whose responsibility is it?  Then that needs to be done first before you move on to the next priority on the list.  You can help people with their responsibilities, if God leads you to, but it's not good or wise to assume (join them in) their responsibilities.  Even if you can.  So make a list of steps, or things that need to happen, and prioritize them.  Know where you can help or where your responsibilities in that situation lie.  Then do what you can.  If you don't know what to do, then you need to talk to someone you trust and can give more details to.

In my current situation, my best friend is hurting big time with two recent family members dying within the year and two other family members who are terminal.  He's had so many unexpected financial obligations come up so often and those on top of his own very heavy financial problems.  It's tearing my heart to pieces!  I'd give everything I owned to make the situation better for him!  I even forgot my own advice and did so much out of my own strength and emotions that I recently had a health scare from the stress.  

Then I remembered.  I repented for taking over and trying to fix everything because it wasn't my job.  I surrendered it to God, making myself available for Him to use me (or not use me) however He chooses.  Doing that doesn't help my friend's situation, but my own peace returned... and so did my health.  I do what I can to help him, but I do have limits and I have to adhere to them.  There's a part of me that would feel extremely horrible if I were ready to take off on a debt-free life of freedom in a van while he's here hurting and struggling!  But it doesn't help him, or anyone else (me included), or resolve his problems, if I jump in the swamp of despair with him.  And it doesn't mean that I don't love and care for him, or that I won't be there and do what I can.
Hi Jack,
Much of what you wrote is also true, and some of it applies in various circumstances. - Also
you wrote: "Your posts are too vague in details, for folks to give you the more accurate advice you're looking for."
the internet is a wonderful opportunity for sharing 'earthly facts' & suggestions we can use for mutual benefits,
most assume that when someone posts a question, they want/need 'advice'.
Not always the case.

I specifically said: "don't know how to clear multiple (family+finance) obstacles on the runway.
tho Jesus is my best friend, it helps >having others' support< too. ... " iow I ask mostly for support...

as (in the face of some formidable odds) I continue... as GotOldEarly also encouraged "Stay positive & stay determined."
Good Lord,
soo true.
in past tough times when i said "Jesus, PLEASE stop their atrocious acts", am reminded "Yeah, but they crucified me, & I am GOD".
(tho He let that happen as THAT was His mission, - it puts it all in perspective, even as such challenges still exist.)
Obviously suicide is never! the answer.

However, other choices that some say "Sue those 7 *******s!" such legal means I have no experience with. So I asked for support: Forgive me if wanting support is not welcome.

Enjoy a wonderful weekend Everyone :)
Tuesday, I was Approved for a start... enabling movement of timeless & ageless goals forward. YES!
Annie W said:
Tuesday, I was Approved for a start... enabling movement of timeless & ageless goals forward. YES!

This is AWESOME news Annie.  Good for you !!!  I am nearly ready to launch but am on hold until my Social Security Disability hearing is complete and I have an idea what my future income will be.  If things do not go my way I will be doing part-time as I am able.

All the best to you and a bright future.  Keep us posted.
Thanks for your encouragement.  

Did you get Approved for 'disability income' yet?
I found that resource was pathetic, so as usual did everything I could to Regain my health,
such that after 7 years at least now I can work part-time.

Further questions:
Since the next Mini ice-age started 2015, for the next 30 years How is everyone on the road preparing to Nourish them self ?
As snow & ice-storms pre-empt, & interrupt Growing seasons, prices naturally skyrocket.
And for that matter,
with wheat & corn hanging in the balance, so will gas-prices. What happens when there's not enough food to go around?
What are you doing now to make sure you have food... ?

as you said, too: All the best to you and a bright future.
Have not been approved yet. I have a pre-hearing call with the judge on 10/16 and the final hearing (I hope) on 10/26. Hope it works quick as the stress of it all is accelerating the decline of my overall health. Thanks for asking. I remain determined to become free soon so I can have the solitude to regain some of my health. Hope all is going well.

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