I've never done a big panel personally, I've helped on some smaller panels. Basically it's a giant pain. But it works for some people. If you have no electrical knowledge, and don't really understand basic electricity, I'd definitely steer clear of the idea of building your own.<br /><br />If you decide to go that route, here is basically what you need (I'm doing this from memory, so I could have missed a few things...):<br /><br />1) something to stick the solar cells onto.<br /><br />2) the actual solar cells..<br /><br />3) some wiring<br /><br />4) some nice glass to cover the cells with after you have them mounted to protect them.<br /><br />5) someway to hold it all together (a frame usually).<br /><br />6) connectors, etc, etc.<br /><br />7) testing equipment to make sure the solar cells actually work, you wired them correctly, etc.<br /><br />You can buy most of this in a 'kit' form on ebay or whatever, they generally give you everything but items 1, 4 and 5. I'm sure some kits don't have all the other things, and have JUST the cells.<br /><br />Anyways, I'd steer clear, if this is not something you feel comfortable with. It's possible, but unless you have someone you can go to, to ask questions and get a lot of advice and stuff from (and that can't be me, I'm not an expert) I'd say don't do it.<br /><br />With Love,<br />Tara