How should I patch my roof before selling - Solar panel cable hole

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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2012
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I'm selling my van shortly (to move into an RV with my lady) and need to remove my solar panel.  When it was installed we just drilled a hole through the roof underneath the panel and filled it with silicon.  

It's a 2000 Sienna, if it makes any difference.  Do you think a thick layer of silicon type sealant would do the trick?  I was also considering patching it somehow with a small square of sheet metal and glue.  However, I'm open to suggestions if anyone has a better idea. 

 I want to get as much money out of it as I can, obviously.  It's old and has over 250,000  miles on it, so I'm looking at around $1000 or less anyway. It doesn't have to be flawless, just good enough to make a potential buyer comfortable.
I like your thought of a thin square of sheet metal, cleaned of any oils on it, then painted with the same color paint as the van roof (auto parts stores sell little bottles of the matching color. It wont quite match due to sun fading). Place a dab of sealant underneath it to ensure the hole is covered. Hopefully a small thin piece is nearly invisible. Or you could get a little rubber grommet, silicone it down and paint it to match.

Being that's its an older Sienna, shouldn't be a problem.
A small piece of eternabond tape would fix it, but it would be white.
New silicone won't stick very well to old silicone................
I like the leave the wire in place idea.
How big of a hole is it? My go-to for things like this is using E-6000 to glue a penny on the inside of the hole. Spread a little extra glue around the outside and smush it down so it's relatively flat. Use masking tape to hold the penny in place for a day to let the glue dry.

It'll stay water tight for many years like that and is removable should someone wish to use the hole or patch it differently later on.

Remove all of the old glue first. If a penny is a little too small, use a quarter.
Post pics & details (see PM) you may get a buyer as is, maybe with panels if it's a nice setup, would like to see how you mounted too.
Just overall good advise to use coins to patch holes. Was wondering that.

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I vote leave the wire and tell them it's wired for solar
hell, if we were close i might buy it for that sort of money myself (are we close?)
I would consider leaving the wire in place as well. But if you were to patch it and want to keep it cheap but also secure I would find a thin piece of metal to use as a patch and just use something like JB Weld. Once that stuff goes on it won't be going anywhere anytime soon.