How long can you hold it?

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2014
Reaction score
Left Coast USA
Going to the bathroom, of course. The first thing I did was buy one of those 5 gallon buckets with plastic bag liner and a toilet seat on top. So far I haven't used it for anything but as a trash can and a seat for putting on my shoes. The only time that I wasn't able to hold it all night, I just peed into a plastic big gulp cup. As long as I find a bathroom within the last couple hours before bedtime, I'm good. So far, I haven't done any boondocking, only stealth parking in towns. So to answer my own question, I think 15 hours is my record. But I'm not about to test myself with using a colon cleanse or a laxative either, :)
My coach is only 24' and there have been close calls running 10 feet!!!!.....the dog says she can wait 8 hrs!!
Be careful that you're drinking enough. I kept getting leg cramps at night and found out it was because of dehydration. I'd have my coffee in the morning and maybe a glass of iced tea during the day, just never thought about drinking water. I read an article and it's amazing how many issues are caused by not drinking enough (non caffeinated) liquid. Any alcohol and you're screwed, it dehydrates you even more. I actually passed out at work one morning after a night of dancing and two screwdrivers. I was concerned enough to go to my doctor. Turned out it was dehydration that caused it. One bad taco will dehydrate you as well. Use the potty.
I pee constantly but i drink constantly. I keep an old kitty litter jug in the van, it holds a lot so i don't even try to hold out unless i forgot to empty it a couple days. Last yr i got sick from heat and dehyd. So i don't get close anymore