How do you fill your free time?

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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2015
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Hi, just wondering what everyone does for hobbies. Since we live in small spaces many hobbies aren't possible. I tinker on the guitar, I plan on buying a mountain bike, I read quite a bit. I find that it is a little tough filling 16hrs of free time.
try prospecting. travel the west, get great exercise, make a little money, sleep great at night because you are so tried, really get to see the out of the way places. highdesertranger
Quit tinkering that guitar and really learn music and play for pay !!!!!!
I tie flies for fly fishing, although haven't done much of it in the last two years because of lyme causing me to lose a lot of the dexterity in my fingers, although i'm slowly getting them back and actually just tied a few the other night.

I usually bring along my air rifle and plink at cans and other small targets. Few bags of toy army soldiers at the dollar store make fun targets!

Lots of reading, internet when available


Bike rides

Scrabble if there are people around interested

Walking to dog or just watching the dog can be highly entertaining for a few minutes

And plan on getting into metal detecting in the near future.
when having coffee in the morning I like to work crossword puzzles. highdesertranger
Thanks for asking this as well as the links. I'll be bringing some knitting and crochet with me to learn how to do those as well as working on hand sewing. If I get decent at it I may try some tatting. I'll be training my dog for the Canine Good Citizen test as well as working her with a small agility course and continuing my online education. Oh and socializing with other carbon based life forms which can be a challenge at times.

If you play any blues you will have a regular listener. I have a very nice guitar I need to repair and put new strings on. I can't play myself but I have it out of convenience when those that do visit.
In my new "you will do nothing and like it" life, I can't do a lot that I use to. Going mobile will require changes too like I won't be able to keep my 10 ft RC planes.

There will be room for my photography gear and being in the wild is great for two of my specialties, high magnification macro and full frame lunar shots.

I'll keep a small electric RC plane and have a nice simulator too.

I love to read both on and off the net, I love to learn how to do things. Using Google earth to find new spots is a lot cheaper than just driving around looking. We do like to explore and do a bit of 4x4 here and there.

I do like to stream some and use OTA for the TV when we can. When nothing else connects a portable satellite can be turned on for the time we need it.

Now for the boring part. To me the up keep on the trailer and truck, designing, collecting, building and care of the systems is a hobby. Studying the response to various conditions and loads means that I can tell you how many amps are coming down with in a amp or two. It's my baby. lol
I paint. In fact, I've started painting the furniture.
VegasVanGuy:  What else are you interested in?  You may run across something interesting as you go along.  If you can tow a small trailer, it might provide enough room for the gear to do other things.

Give it some time.  You're going to have to make some adjustments, as it is.  You don't have to make them all ahead of time. :D
Thanks for the responses. An RC plane would be pretty fun, medal detecting might be an option as well. I also plan on buying an inflatable kayak that can be kept in my RV. Towing a trailer isn't an option right now. I have a motorcycle carrier on back with a KLR650 enduro bike. If I could have a trailer I would love to get a sailing kayak made by Hobie.

I guess one of my biggest concerns is that I didn't develop a lot of hobbies when I had a house. TV (idiot box) and internet usually sucked me in. It will take some time to get used to a slower way of life.
That KLR will give you more than you want as far as adventure is concerned, ride that baby in to your wonderland
I did this to My KLR this weekend.


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The KLR is new to me. I decided on it after a lot of research. I got a gen 2 with 1300 miles. I think I have the same crash bars with highway pegs. I have never seen front panniers on a klr. Where did you get yours? My only complaint so far is that I'm 6'3 and need a taller windshield above 55mph. Also I've heard the stock dunlop tires aren't so great. Kendas were recommeded to me. So far I have around 200+ miles of trail riding which I never could have done before with my street bikes.
Today has been rainy and cool so I am invited one of the women in camp over, I made a cake to warm up the camper then we made jewelry. I don't have much room ans the jewelry supplies are easy to store.
As you can see, the cake is totally homemade from a box.


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I live alone in a 24' C with the absolute most storage available...overhead is all storage & its all pull out & turntable accessible.

I have tools & supplies for at least 15 different things... seriously, I earned my living as an itinerant artist & have a lifetime of this stuff. It's comforting to me to just play in the storage at times as its so organized & set up so I can stand on the seat & reach everything. I have a sewing machine even.

Recently I have taken a fancy to those adult colouring books for totally mindless leisure as I don't do TV or video type things. The growing mass of books & colouring pencils have been assigned a dishpan of storage with an eye towards giving at least half the books away for Christmas...its gotten so trendy the books are everywhere & I have found some good masculine ones even. I am a super cheap attracted shopper & get the books for a couple dollars mostly but good quality ones.

I also cook...baking is my preference for a morning heating of my rig over southern winter. That's another whole huge storage that's been customed...I do scratch & have 10 types of flour, nuts, dried fruits, etc...I use a breadmaker but I even bake bread.

I love to travel & I seasonally migrate but I also love to find a nice spot in nature & stay a couple weeks or more when that is an option & enjoy my home life.

You find a way to do what's important & the space needed for it.
For my daughter it will be adult colouring books and pencil crayons.
For myself it will be sewing, doll making, and sudoku.
For my son it will be LEGO and miniature Tonka machinery to play with.
And books for all of us it will be reading and acrylic paints/brushes/canvas.
Gah! Where is this all going to fit?!