How do? and My Mulligan Stew

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Thanks Hopefully I will get there by the 14th

Any weather reports? Did the snow storm coming from CA causes travel issues?
I'm almost there! (the RTR that is...) MAYbe tomorrow...IDK the roads and wind... and time... video'd the video on my iPhone to watch so I find y'all ok... I'm in Ft Stockton TX tonight (wrote about my stay in the Travelling with Pets (Travelling with Service Dog thread).

Calmly excited. :D
I came through Texas on I 10 and had no issues last night.

Go Doc go!
Ugh! Garmin had me 100 feet from entering Mexico! I. stopped.dead. in middle lane...would rather be arrested for blocking traffic in USA ya know? That spaghetti junction is a mess!!!!

Anyway that took a lot out of me-- getting out of El Paso! Made it to Tucson only-- just got room for night. Brain is fried and body vibrating from all the driving. Ill be at RTR within 6 hours? of when we leave here?
Too late to edit last post.  The rain front coming in from CA will be in Tucson Saturday... it appears there will be snow in higher elevations 7000 ft?

Rain expected in Quartzsite by tomorrow (Friday) by 2 pm.   I need to leave here before sunrise to get there prior? Too fatigued to drive in much rain.

Ah God takes good care of me!  I 10 has been closed west of Phoenix all day due to multiple incidents including Trooper shot and suspect shot by oassrrby--- right where I planned to use rest area!!!  I knew there was a bigger reason but do not always getbto know it?✝❤
I suppose I'm no longer "new" to the forum and perhaps should find a blog here to post for my next "trip"... but in the meantime I'll close out with this.

I arrived late for the 2017 RTR, arriving about 2 pm on Friday. It took 5 days of full bore driving to get there then. The group was way larger than I had suspected and hoped. I wish I had delayed arriving at the RTR and planned to move to Ehrenberg with a smaller? group afterwards.

Since my poor poodle service dog became ill with dog flu? after a few hours at RTR I could not attend ANY of the seminars and only chatted with those who happened by my Van Mulligan. Thanks for all who did! I encouraged all to join the forum.

Special thanks to Gary, Paul, and Larry who met me by picking me up off the rocks after I fell full flat on my tush/back from the back of the van. I missed the bumper as a step and went down the 26" rather flatly. Thank God indeed it happened to be a fairly flat rocked area, though I still have a sizeable bruise on my tuckus... that I only now see that I've holed up in a Hampton Inn for the night in Lordsburg. It's going to be in the 30s here tonight, otherwise I would have stayed at the welcome center 2.2 miles west of here which allows overnight parking and is right off the I-10. Just.Can't.Spend. Another. Night. Cold. The dog got me up every HOUR every night to go out... so I was barely functioning all day anyway.

I did learn some things and I appreciate the patience of those around me who never complained about the sliding door and the engine run every hour.

Please tell me the seminars are taped so I can review them! I have a camera that could have made quality videos if only....

I have expert skills for tent wilderness survival, gadgets and the like but converting a van into a livable living "tent" is going to be quite an effort for me. The trip was to meet "someone" (who God did send by, by the way) that I hadn't met yet... and to see if I really can and want to do this full time. I'm far too fatigued and close to the experience to fully review it now. I did make a few decisions on what I need for some things: I need visible things. The dry foods can be in opaque containers IF all the same and labelled, but everything else needs to be visible either in clear bins or netting etc. I also know which containers work and which won't do at all for me...another planned element that worked.

For those interested in My Mulligan... the Ford Transis 350 v6with ecoboost 3.31 ls LWB 148 extended length and high roof yadda yadda yadda is a dream to drive! It. IS. ONE. SWEET. RIDE!

I hope to be home in Miami area by Monday. I also hope that since most of the members in RTR are west of the Missouri that maybe Bob will help us form an RTR for east of the Mississippi?

I'd like a summer RTR in the Carolinas to see the eclipse.

Good to meet Lisa and Kathleen, and the Oz lady. Thanks for your chats!

Oh the places we went this trip! Will be about 5100 miles Round Trip with a 1 week old Mulligan.
Did you keep a log book of all the roads you traveled exits you took things you've seen?
I had one in the rig that burned and added to it as well as referenced it on every trip.
Wish I hadn't lost it but will start another one when I begin my next trip.

Right now I am making videos of my local travels around Maine with my mom so I can always have her on the road that she totally refused to go down !
I've made voice memoes on my phone regarding rest areas and some roads, and I have a dash cam but I forgot the transfer cord so I'm not sure I'll have all the trip on there once I'm home (I took it off loop)