How do? and My Mulligan Stew

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Jean, there are 2144 members on this forum - don't judge all by a few.

Doc J
NO no no need for that !
I someone is bothering you that much you can set them to ignore on your user control page :p and if they are picking on you send a pm to Bob or a mod and it won't happen again. ;)
...stickin' my toe back into the waters here...

Yes it is a few...and maybe someone in higher authority.  Don't you hate being judged and misunderstood and not be able to work it out?  I do.

A week has passed  now... idk maybe most members here only stop in once a week or so anyway. ;)

Just got my window sticker... only place on it describing it's length is in the VIN and of course the first van that came in had the correct length in the VIN and wasn't the correct length physically.  Trying not to panic---oh wait!  I already did that yesterday.  Breathing.

So being here automatically makes us "nonconformists" ?    What if the other people are the 'nonconformists'?
Pics of my van I don't have yet :D ?  You mean like this.......?

I'm so glad to see you back! What a beautiful van, I can only imagine your excitement.  Good for you!!!
I thought window sticker meant you got it!
Hope it's not far behind the sticker.
IDK about other manufacturers but Ford has a site that you can punch in your VIN number and pull the window sticker once it's created. The process is: dealer places order and sometimes you can go to another Ford site and punch in dealer number, order number and your name and it will show the order. At some point when they process the order, a VIN is issued. You can then punch that into yet another Ford site and it will bring up the basic info of the order, along with a pic of the model. They issue a window sticker 10 days before the build date; said build date is on that window sticker.... and NOW is the time to pick over the sticker to be sure it states everything that you ordered. There is time at this point to make changes.

Yes... it's correct for my Mulligan. But then, the wrong van had it's sticker correct too and came in short and without windows. )

I can't wait to see it in person too :D

I am blessed, I know, to be able to buy this. I will be selling my house and this will be my doggie's and my home---mostly by choice. But some out of normal PTSD anxiety due to fear of not being able to keep the house up with the assistant's few hours (and she moved away already, takes Uber to get to me.)

God is good. I'm hoping to have enough room to stuff "stuff" into it for the "short haul" so I can give it away to those of people like you who can use it, rather than give everything to Miami Rescue Mission (who already has 1/3 of my household stuff and furniture!)

Thanks for the support. I'll try to not mention God and offend anyone but He's the only reason I can do anything so... there.
A post was reported and deleted. As you were told in numerous PMs no one judged you. Most likely no one even knew until you brought it up.
Cool on the sticker thing.
Hope they get it right this time!!!!!!!!
Becoming more excited than an adult "should"! (gasp) Did I say "should"? Wednesday is build day. If the plant has ended it's second QC maybe they can get it to me before the holiday break? Still hoping (and praying!)

I'm eager to meet y'all... and I will be at the RTR IF I receive the van before the holidays. (A lot has to occur for I think I said somewhere... the van is a high roof and has to be transported on a low boy; the US doesn't have enough low boys already and then add in holiday demands... slim pickin's but then..)

It's a whole 'nuther mind set eh?

I was all geared to be selling the house by now... but have taken advantage of the extra time and still haven't fully downsized (oh my!)
I'm tryin'.
I'm coming out to the RTR! I haven't left yet and it will take at least 4 days... probably 5. Please look for me. Is there a video on the actual road like there was on the collaborated website? That would help once I'm in the area.