Hot Springs

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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
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haven't seen any threads about Hot Springs. there must be some sun and hot spring lovers here?? i know i am.
Soakers forum is an awesome resource for hot springs.
Last year I visited Big Bend Park in SW Texas. &nbsp;I kayaked on the Rio Grand and stopped for an hour soak in a hot spring pool right next to the river. &nbsp;Very nice place to visit and at night, Big Bend is a pretty magical place, awesome star gazing!<br>-AK
Yes, but the kind I like tends to be threatened with overuse, so I tend not to publisize them.&nbsp; Also some of the people here don't seem to want to see other people without clothes.&nbsp; (Many hot springs are clothing-optional, either semi-officially or just in practice)<br><br><br>
i bet the bigbend trip was nice! always wanted to go there.&nbsp;i didn't know they had enough&nbsp;agua for kayaking in the Rio Grande. I also concur with the stargazing as I spent time in west texas.<BR><BR>peace
mountaintramp said:
haven't seen any threads about Hot Springs. there must be some sun and hot spring lovers here?? i know i am.
<br><br>Oh hell yes, one of my favorite places to stop for the night is at hotsprings. &nbsp;Idaho is just jam packed full of em too. &nbsp;Take a look at <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Idaho Hot Springs</a> for suggestions and reviews
If you find yourself on Highway 58 in central Oregon, on the way from Eugene toward Crater Lake, about 10 miles from Oakridge, is a great roadside hot springs called McCredie Springs.&nbsp; It is about a half mile from Blue Pool Campground, so it makes for a nice overnight break in your travels.&nbsp; The hot springs is invisible from the road, but there is a parking area with a sign, and it is in the Willamette National Forest.&nbsp; A well-used trail leads from the parking lot for about 100 yards through the trees down to the bank of Salt Creek.&nbsp; The undeveloped hot springs bubble out of the creek bank, and the sulfur smell will lead you to the pools people have constructed in the creek bank by rearranging stones.&nbsp; Simple, primitive, and natural, they are clothing-optional.&nbsp; They can be quite hot, so be careful!&nbsp; It's a nice way to relax in the evening after a long day on the road, and good campsites are nearby.&nbsp; There are other, more remote, hot springs in the area, and it is in a natural forest, so it's worth consulting a forest-service map, and there is plenty of dispersed camping in the area, too.&nbsp; If the pools at McCredie Springs are too crowded, I'm told there are other hot springs across Salt Creek, and when I was there, the route to them was marked by stone cairns.&nbsp; But it means an icy wade across a fast-moving stream to get to them, so I'm sure they'd be less likely to be crowded, and are more secluded.&nbsp; Forest Service roads around the area offer all kinds of dispersed camping opportunities in some scenic settings, and there is a convoluted route from Highway 58 that follows service roads all the way from Oakridge to Crater Lake, which makes for a nice, slow, and scenic way to escape the tourist traffic.&nbsp; Consult maps, though, because one can get lost!
i've been at Highline Hot Well for most of the winter. it's awesome here, plenty of water, close to town,always feel clean, and after about a week most of my aches and pains are gone and i feel 20 years younger, still look the same though <img src="/images/boards/smilies/frown.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br>unfortunately it's not clothing optional, but there is a "warm spring" about 15 miles from here that is, just in case you need to get your nude on. That spring is called 5 Palms, and there's free camping on private land, or 2 week BLM land. It's mostly inhabited by a group of Canadian nudists, all very friendly, but nude, so if you're afraid of nude people better pass on this one. This warm spring is around 95 deg at the source, so it's a great place to cool down now that we've had some temps in the high 90s. <br><br>after finding these last year i didn't even bother with Quartzsite this year. i can't even figure out why anyone would be staying anywhere else when this place exists. but don't tell anyone.
mountaintramp, I left Highline to attend the RTR. &nbsp;Came home after that. &nbsp;I was at Highline from Sept. to early Jan. &nbsp;I'm sure our paths crossed. &nbsp;Happy trails !
Moby T, i was here from the first week of Jan to Feb 15, so it looks like we did overlap. It's still pretty awesome here even with the hotter weather. Getting pretty deserted too, most of the Canadians are moving on.
hey now, fellow hot spring lovers. i total agree highline hot spring or holtville is lot better than quartzsite, i didn't make it to five plams. but people i talk say it better than highline because it was far away from interstate 8&nbsp;noise. there is another hot spring that i went to when i was young. it is call&nbsp;deep creek in hespreia,outside of victorville interstate have to hike in about two miles,but there is alot less people&nbsp;. i was really disappointed in the location of this year rtr, in fact it suck!! talk about camping in the drit by the side of a buzy drit road.&nbsp;anyhoo you can youtube deep creek lots of video's on the place. that little motorbike you have moby t would work great. fellow traveler gary p.s. back in the good old u.s.a. done with mexico and it dam drug war !!!
yeah, deep creek is awesome. it's about 40 miles from where i live in the summer. unfortunately graffiti has started to show up along the trail from Bowen ranch to the springs within the last year. and a couple of weeks ago, according to a post on the DCHS web site some drunk kid was shooting his gun into the water to show his friends that bullets stop in the water after 2 feet.<br><br>it's still petty nice, no graffiti at the springs, but best to go during the week and in the morning. there's dry camping at the ranch for 5 bucks a night. i hate to even post anything about this place, but since it's on YELP it probably doesn't matter.
&nbsp;&nbsp; There's a mind picture--wrinkled up Canadien nudists--Eh. Rail, what happened in Mexico?
owl, just ranting to many dam check points, looking for drugs. all in all wait time from san jose del cabo to tijuana was 12 hours waiting at five different checks. avgerage wait, over two hours at each one. and then at the border with u.s.a. another&nbsp; five an half hours to get back into my country!!!!. i have better things to do bysides wait in line with my truck idling&nbsp;away. to old, i&nbsp;don't have the time for this bullsh8t any more.&nbsp; gary&nbsp;&nbsp;
Liard Hot Springs on the Alaska Hwy is a great place. It has two hot springs locations. One is about a 10 min hike from the campground and the other one, less used, is further out. It's a fabulous place and well worth a visit! There is a provincial park campground there and probably a lot of other boondocking locations since it is so far away from any town. <br><br>
hot springs are great.&nbsp; some are being abused by idiots. &nbsp;I have noticed an increase of vandalism and trash over the years.&nbsp; some hot springs access has been severely limited because of this and overuse.&nbsp; but I still go.&nbsp; I have some great memories,&nbsp; been in a few while it was snowing this was truly amazing, &nbsp;except when it was time to get out then it was just really cold.&nbsp; also was sitting in one remote hot spring during a killer meteor shower.&nbsp; all I can say is wow!!!!&nbsp; what a great night.&nbsp; btw all,&nbsp; not blaming anybody on this site.&nbsp;&nbsp;if I thought I'd have to lecture anybody on this forum about the vandalism or trash I wouldn't be here on this site.&nbsp; just sayin.&nbsp; highdesertranger
My vote for very favorite hot springs anywhere: LIARD RIVER HOT SPRINGS.
Just google images of this place.
It is so special. It was the best part of our entire Alaska trip. There's a long boardwalk to get to the springs and they are incredible. Ferns growing out of the waters edge and even wooden seats in the water.
It is a special place and there is a campground there also but the mosquitoes were so bad we had to leave.
Here's a quote from a webpage:
The Liard River hot springs is said by many to be one of the best stops on the entire Alaska Highway. Located in the Liard River Hot Springs Provincial Park, north of Muncho Lake, this is one of the few provincial parks that remain open all year round along the Alaska Highway. The reason is simple; the chance to visit the springs. Even in winter the waters are hot enough to provide relief to weary travellers and adventurers, whether they've been hiking on foot, snowmobile or on skis. While there are several warm and hot springs within the park, BC Parks have developed the largest into bathing/soaking/swimming pool.


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