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Sep 26, 2015
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Well, according the the Tips and Tricks, I am to create my first post here after setting up my profile. So here we go...

Bottom line is this.

You are gonna know what I am talking about.

I have established residency in 9 different states in 40 years. It's not exactly a full time traveling nomad but it is a nomadic life I enjoyed over the years because I got to enjoy the local culture here and there instead of living somewhere forever and visiting like a tourist. Now, I have been in PA for the past 7 years and you know what's gonna happen next.

It's time for me to move on again.

I do have to admit I do know what I want (if not everything) and am slowly transitioning from my current situation into the situation I want to be in. There are some questions I still have to figure out the answers to though. 

I do know I am leaning towards converting a cargo van that will allow me to be "mobile ready" with everything I need while I continue to search for more answers that will nail down some questions that can only be answered geographically.  

That's why I am here and I do have to beg your forgiveness in advance for any questions I will ask, even dumb ones.

So far, I do have some answers and I will share them here with you to help you see where I am going.

High-top cargo van with at least a roof rack for solar panels and a kayak.
Interior is going to be a gut job and renovated to meet my needs.

The next 6 months will be digesting all possible information regarding cargo vans and prepping for it (all work is 90 percent preparation and 10 percent execution) at which point I will get a cargo van and start gutting it out. Only because winter is coming here in this part of the world and I don't wanna freeze my butt off and got some business to take care of first as well.

With all that said, let me sign off saying...

It's good to meet you.
Welcome to the CRVL forums, TSN! You've come to the right place to learn and ask questions. We have a number of members in cars. There's no right way to do this. It's a very personal journey and everyone does it in the way
that gives them the answers they need (whether they know it or not)
Hi and Welcome!! No matter what you are in, we welcome all :)
Well , Nomad.
You have made the decision to become a van dweller........
By my calculation , that alone is actually the 90%.
So , only 9% left in planning what you want to build inside the van.
The remaining 1% is building it !
Ask all the questions you need to get you there.

Welcome aboard , we'll see you on the road when you finish.
Since you have decided on a cargo van, you will probably be able to get answers to many of your questions simply by reading the most recent threads in the "Van" portion of the forum. You'll see pictures of dozens of ways others have done their conversions -- from treating rusty spots to laying floors and putting in insulation. The categories like Electrical will help pin down more specific how-to's.

Oh, and some people seem to miss this, but at the very tip of the forum screen -- the second line under Bob's photos -- are more categories. These how-to articles and the Conversions categories are not forum answers but are posts written up mostly by Bob on his blog. LOTS of detailed info on all of those. Plus, Bob shows you boondocking places to camp for free and his pictures of van life will make you drool. LOL

Like most of us, you probably won't believe what a gold mine this is. Add to that help and opinions on virtually any topic you can think of... including, sometimes things like reggae music. LOL
WriterMs said:
I agree with you on the value of Bob's terrific knowledge he is sharing on his site as well as other forum members.  

I have actually been browsing here as well as other van dweller sites to get a grip on what I am getting myself into.  That's how I managed to settle on the cargo van, especially with a high top (.courtesy of Christine who guest posted on Bob's site) with a sliding door (courtesy of the same Christine who I interviewed with) with a custom roof rack (courtesy of a nomadic van dwelling couple) that can hold 2 solar panels (courtesy of a RV solar panel installer I met in person on a job site) and a kayak (courtesy of a forum member on this site), and possibly a lift (courtesy of a post Bob wrote up).

In fact, his book on Amazon was the first book I bought on van dwelling/cargo van conversion which was great for a starter book.