Hoarding--on the computer?

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I should add that this is the first forum i have used where sent messages weren't automatically saved. I often forget to click the box :-( maybe its the anti-hoard procedure. I can see if there are options for that. Tomorrow, after the zombie party.
This may be an old thread ...
As I am setting up Ubuntu after getting rid of win10, I've discovered linux really likes for files to be in certain folders for ease of access.  I am now sorting through years of files.  Thinking I don't really need these pdf scans of gas, water and ele bills from 1996 to 2007.
Heck don't really need these receipts and manuals for things I don't even own anymore. Thinking I may even consolidate all these recipe files into 1 file.

Needed a break and thought I would look for a Hoarder thread.  :)  bonus found an "Hoarding--on the computer" thread.

Anyone else have a computer file hoarding problem?
But I might need the pdf manual for xyz gadget 20 years from now  :D :D :D

Yeah, I keep way too many files too.  I have Microsoft's Windows Home Server (WHS) in the S&B that is full of useless stuff too.  Too much time and energy to go through it to discard it and the price of hard drives is really cheap.  Great place for the family to store picture though and their music/video collection. :cool:
I limit myself to a 1TB external SSD... though I do have trouble keeping myself under that limit.
Hey , just imagine how many file cabinets you would need for that much stuff !

I was just pricing another external portable drive $60 for 1TB and $80 for 2TB.
I got 3 already 500GB , 750 GB and 1TB , I add one every 2 years or so.

My name is popeye and I'm a fileoholic........
ldmccain said:
Anyone else have a computer file hoarding problem?

I have been spending the past year downloading every book I think I might possi my want to read, while I still have access to my son's high-speed internet. I now have about 800GB of e-books, audio books, and training videos. One thing I'll be doing in my "spare time," after I am on the road, will be organizing all that.

Here is a link to the system I use:
Whew, I wasn't counting books, pictures or video files.
Calbre handles my books directory format.
Pictures I keep in directories by /Family-Name/year
Video and music files come and go.

Just deleted all the child support receipts from the 1990's ;-)
ldmccain said:
Calbre handles my books directory format.

I don't like how Calibre requires all the files to be in its folder structure. So I just use it for converting things to PDF format, which is my preferred format for everything. It is far easier to add annotations AND get to those annotations later.
GrantRobertson said:
I have been spending the past year downloading every book I think I might possi my want to read, while I still have access to my son's high-speed internet. I now have about 800GB of e-books, audio books, and training videos. One thing I'll be doing in my "spare time," after I am on the road, will be organizing all that.

Here is a link to the system I use:

I hope you have it backed up.  Of course the doubles the size.   :)

I back up my laptop with dropbox, the keep another copy on my wife's laptop.
GrantRobertson said:
I have been spending the past year downloading every book I think I might possi my want to read, while I still have access to my son's high-speed internet...

What's this? No need. I live on the road and I download / pirate anything I want without sacrificing my own bandwidth. ;)
Our son lives in a big city with a library that has ebooks and audiobooks to loan.  I borrow his library card and listen to or read anything in the library.  The audiobooks are great when driving long distances.
Interesting thread. Am finding I try to not hoard ebooks-video-pictures. Trying to do this by only getting books on kindle platform. That way Amazon can archive them for me when I need to read them.

For video files I prefer ULTRAVIOLET versions as that means WALMART VUDU will hold them for me forever.

For pictures I have been using Dropbox.

Holding a 1tb usb drive is only as good as the last restore test. If you have not restored in a year, do you even know if you could?
Goshawk said:
Holding a 1tb usb drive is only as good as the last restore test. If you have not restored in a year, do you even know if you could?

This is one of the reasons I like Windows Home Server.  I generally leave my computers on all the time and just let them sleep.  Every night just after midnight, the server wakes up those computers and makes a backup of them.  This has saved my bacon several times when a HD has crashed or I did something stupid.  Pop a CD in the machine needing restoring and it becomes just like it was last night.  I have an old mini-pc that will run WHS.  I am thinking of taking this with me for backing up our computers on occasion or I am just going to rely on what I left for a backup at the S&B.  I'll probably do without it on the road.  Getting tired of being my own IT department :p
Goshawk said:
For pictures I have been using Dropbox.

Dropbox entered my computer, and grabbed years worth of files, then demanded more money to give me more room.  :mad:
I will be the sole keeper of my records and such.  I don't want to put anything in the cloud.  Redundancy is good, just not in the cloud.
Dropbox only uses the files I tell it. But all software for archive will at first attempt to grab it all. None of them make it easy for free.