Hi from a Wanabe

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Nov 26, 2012
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Hi all. My name is Kadi. Quite a number of years ago I began to imagine myself living in a van and gypsying around the country.&nbsp;It never happened but now it appears it could. Stumbled upon this site searching for cheap RVing tips and stories of those already doing. I have had some experience - lived in a travel trailer for 4 yrs and on a 24 ft sailboat for 2 yrs. I am a single woman, 62, recently retired. I would love a Road Trek but haven't won the lottery so am thinking about converting one of those passenger vans where the back bench seat becomes a bed (I don't even know what those are called so you know my naivete here. LOL). Any insights or information would be greatly appreciated.<br />&nbsp;
Welcome Kadi. I'm in the same hunt. You've certainly come to the right place. Lot's of good info here. Don't be afraid to ask questions.

Welcome, Wade
<br /><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>Welcome aboard, Kadi!</strong></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>Don't know if you've ever tried sleeping on one of those rear bench seats that makes a bed, but personally, <br />I've had several vans with those things in them, &amp; I've yet to see one that wasn't horribly uncomfortable.&nbsp;<br /><br />Then again, I have severe back problems, but still, they seem to me like they'd really only be suitable&nbsp;for kids maybe. <br /><br />YMMV.&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" /><br /></strong></span>
<span style="color: #008000;"><strong><span id="post_message_1275858457" style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: medium;">Welcome Kadi! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" /><br /><br />FYI, they are called conversion vans.<br /><br />Bob</span></strong></span>
Welcome Kadi.<br />Yes the "Bed"s in van are NOT the best for sleeping Every night, but a nice foam cover might do fine.I have a 90 Chevy&nbsp;&amp; without the foam, sore back for sure.<br />Glad to have new poeple here That want the mobile,more reasonable&nbsp;type of life.I've had vans since 75 still have (2) on the road.<br />sparky1 in s.va.
Welcome to the tribe Kadi! I've had a great time converting my van. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Welcome to the forum.&nbsp; i am kinda in the same boat.&nbsp; A bit younger and still needing to work to earn an&nbsp; income.&nbsp; i love this website and I have learned a lot.
<p><span style="font-size: small;">welcome .... blkjak</span></p>
Kadi<br /><br />Welcome, I'm also dream'n about the same freedom etc. &nbsp;Been a single dad for 12 years and daughter will be moving out for the 3rd time soon. &nbsp;I have made my purchase for my new home. &nbsp;A 69 10' NCO Alaskan Camper (truck) and a 92 GMC 3500 dually 10' flatbed. &nbsp;Combined cost 200.00 plus looking after 4 cats while friend is in Mexico.<br /><br />I chose the camper type for its&nbsp;stealth&nbsp;ability, insulation and &nbsp;quality. When renovated will have all the comforts of home and when the top is up (living height of 6'4") is lowered in a few minutes I expect I can part in it anywhere. With the top down you can still sleep etc. in it. Google Alaskan Camper, only real problem is they are heavy units so need at least a 3/4 ton truck for the 8' model and 1 ton for 10' model.<br /><br />But I feel the cost of saving rent at RV sites will off set the higher cost of fuel.<br /><br />I'm getting lucky, my cat friend is going to let me work on it during the 2 week xmas break in is warm shop. Presently only 13 below in snow.<br /><br />dkoug<br /><br />
Hi Kadi and welcome!&nbsp; If you're thinking seriously about it, you're almost there already.<br /><br />I have a cargo van with precious cargo.&nbsp; The twin bed is normally comfortable but this little girl is taking over.<br /><br /><br /><br /><img rel="lightbox" src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-de-MLPLAC_g/UL94IPdOriI/AAAAAAAAE2c/XgC1-rjU_Tw/s320/Serena+Doll.jpg" class="bbc_img" /><br /><br /><br />It's great to have you in the clan!&nbsp; I look forward to seeing your posts!<br /><br />V.T.

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