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Jan 22, 2019
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e tennessee
Hiya, all!

I did the RV full-time lifestyle for about 3 years back in '98-2001. Yeah, I was there when the towers fell. The world fell apart around me, and I followed suit. This was on the lee side of the Sierras. I miss that area very much. When I set up, I'll be going for NV domicile again.

Anyway, I'm over here in the bible belt and hating it. I know myself enough to know that I need to stay put till I'm financially ready to make the move to an RV. Things are r-e-a-l-l-y tight right now. :( 

I'll get there. I don't need to be completely out of debt, just enough that I can pay the bills every month. It looks like I have enough income to be OK as long as I own the rig outright.

I've been looking at Class-C, but my urgency - my inner sense - is telling me to not be so picky. A van with a bed and porta-potty will be fine. I can grab some lumber to raise the bed and build in the rest later. I figure 6-8 months. Maybe.

If I get stressed, my mind blanks out on me, and I forget stuff - like everything stuff. I don't remember my own name sometimes. I forget what day it is pretty often.

I'm retired, but I do a lot still. I teach senior citizens to use the computer, I keep a blog, I write stories and books, crochet, sew and I'm picking up my knitting again. I read sci-fi, mystery/suspense, and women's fiction. I love libraries, ebooks, and paper books. All books. I can still code a website in my sleep.

Oh, on that sewing stuff, I make the patterns myself, too. I taugh myself by doing the Remaissance Faire in SoCal. Yeah, I do a lot.

I had my first heart attack when I was 43. I haven't had another one, but they say it happens again. I lost my dad to heart issues.  I have some heart issues, too. I also have PTSD - from trauma, not a brain injury.

I have a cat. Right now, I only have one, but when I get into my own rig, I'll get another one. I think 2 cats are better than one.

I guess that's all for now. If you want to talk to me, feel free to PM me.
Hello Mlmarshall and welcome to the forum. Lots of good stuff on here, and you seem to know what you're in for. In 98-01 I was living in Idaho. The camping up north was amazing, but I couldn't deal with the desert. I'm back in Minnesota now, and loving it, even in this crazy cold weather.


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