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Oct 16, 2021
Reaction score
Myrtle Beach, SC
Just wanted to stop in and say hello. My wife of 31 years and I are looking forward to hitting the road full time. Sill have a few years till our youngest finishes high school then, only the universe knows where we'll be.

We are currently getting set to purchase a small travel trailer. As it seems it will afford us the best comfort and mobility for us and our dogs. Plus my mini flock of birds (2 budgies and a cockatiel).

A little about me. Retired from the US Military after 24 years. An eclectic mix of active Army, Navy with sprinkling of Army and Air National Guard. I have a mechanical background and have worked on everything from jet engines to anything that is in a tank turret.

I strive to not be a judgmental person (some days better than others :D ). I firmly believe that everyone has the right to live their own life as they see fit and that I should be able to also.  I'm an introvert and don't say much till I get to know someone however, I will be the 1st to offer someone assistance if they are in need. 

I'm a very spiritual person but I do not discuss religion. If you are religious I applaud your choice i just don't want to discuss it. Not trying to be rude but beliefs are personal just like politics.  So, I don't discuss that either. Every war zone I have been to had more to do with those two topics then anything else so... I've seen enough war, nuff said. 

I truly look forward to learning from everyone here. I also hope to add to the conversation and knowledge where I can. We are currently in the Myrtle Beach area so if anyone is in the area and needs information or help on their rig would be happy to lend a hand. Thanks for having me!

Hello, Welcome to the forum. You have an interesting story and certainly a full life. If I had to resources I’d be driving a small four-wheel-drive pick up or SUV pulling something like a Caseeta(spelling?): a lightweight fiberglass camper. As it is I’m in an older full-size van Enjoying life, doing what I can do. It’s good you have a few years. you can get your rig set up, try it out for a weekend and then a week than a month see if you really like the life on the road before you make the commitment to full-time. Best wishes and hope to see you on the road. By the way if you don’t mind which region do you call home? Again welcome.
We are looking at a 19' geo pro/e pro trailer right now. That and a mid size pickup as the wife does not like driving a full size truck. I guess my old crew cab with an 8' bed intimidated her.

South Carolina is home now, most of the family is here. Spent my first 18 years in Ohio then the next 36 years living in 6 different states. Just can't seem to settle down....
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