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Oct 1, 2017
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Hello. I'm Annie from Portland, Oregon. I'm 65 years young. I began this journey when I was diagnosed with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities about 10 years ago and found myself unable to live or work in buildings with people and their fragrances.  My ex (who has remained a close friend) helped me take the front seat out of my Mercury Tracer and he built in a bed for me. I lived in that for about 6 months as I researched answers for my condition. I found a specialist in Coos Bay who diagnosed me and prescribed long distance walking. I discovered the Camino Santiago in 2004 and have been leading groups each year to pay for my 6-8 weeks of walking, which helps my body chelate the chemicals and makes me feel human again.

When I received my Disability payout, I used the cash to purchase a house with my youngest son, where I live now with 2 roommates part of the year. My front yard supplies all the vegetables I can eat and my 5 hens supply eggs. I've been spending winters in Desert Hot Springs, springs in Spain walking, and summers here in Portland. 

I'm still having issues, though, and feel a great need to get out into the open again, so I'm beginning to look at vans again. However, the price is putting me off and making me wonder if I can't just remove the back seats as well as the passenger seat and live out of the car again for a few months. One of your videos opened my eyes to that possibility.

I'm here to get ideas, advice on what type of vehicle to look for, etc., and also to find out if there are any gatherings in Quartzite in the winter.

Thanks for a great website and awesome videos.
Hi Annie,

Among my health issues is also a chemical sensitivity problem. I'm looking forward to the same remedy you have in store for yourself.

Lots of wonderful people here to answer your questions about vehicles.  Welcome to the joint*   :D
:) Hello Annie and Welcome!  I looked at the way you guys built your bed in the Tracer.  You used absolutely every bit of space you could by cutting your platform/door to fit every nook and cranny.  

I also read some of both your older and newer blogs. The Warriors Walk is very interesting as well as the others you organize.  

Seeing your fresh veggies and canning supplies recalled many late nights sitting in the kitchen listening to the "ping" of canning jar lids sealing. When I lived up north my friend Marilyn up there in SD  had a huge rhubarb bed and I had 2 apple trees....... we think one was planted in the 1800s.....Marilyn said it might be older than her house which was built in 1908.  It is the oldest house on the street and mine was the 2nd oldest. 

Neither of us can any longer, however I am still hanging on to some supplies.  You just never know when something  might come in handy. :)

She was the Salsa Queen of canning!
I was Hurleys Token Texan  ;)  I swear there is one in every town in SD!

Welcome to the CRVL forums Annie! Check out the "Car" section for ideas on how to arrange your living quarters. Here's the information about the next RTR in Quartzsite - https://vanlivingforum.com/showthread.php?tid=26146 Hope you can make it there!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Hi Annie and welcome. Sounds like you got it goin' on. Big kudos for that. Reading about you, I feel abit chagrined that I am not doing more. That's prob not gonna change, but you do humans proud(if that makes sense). Keep it up, you're a great example for some of us slackers! Best of luck.
The complex of things associated with mcs is very curious, and much more common than medical science would have us believe. I get it when my chronic fatigue flare, along with fibro.