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Mar 28, 2021
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HELLO My Name is Tomas (Thomas) i am working on the reduction of things. While i am not out there yet, thankfully my sticks and bricks situation will not change for some I HOPE. i am building out a 2001 GMC Safari cargo van former DHL mechanical support van, so super motor very powerful, all wheel drive. i will have tons of solar. when the unenviable position of seeing my parents get the CALL FROM GOD TO GO HOME. that is when this planned life will get going, provided i survive the whole thing. i am sorry to unload so much but i lost my eldest brother in january, so stress levels have been off the charts, and then my dad gets serious skin infection, same day mom falls bruises hip. do you see the stress levels?? i have many questions and the list grows any ideas? i am always open for chat! i am calling everything  LADYSUESUE2021, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, AND SUCH. DOING SOME VIDEOS STILL WORKING ON DOING THAT. :huh: :huh: :huh:
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Welcome to the forum. You’re right you got to have an outlet for that stress. I’m not the best one to lecture you about outlet for stress because I let it overwhelm me from time to time. There are senior centers and such where your folks could go and give you a little break from caregiving maybe once a week or so. But the problem still remains you can get a break from caregiving but you can’t take a break from caring. I’m not here to lecture you I’m here to welcome you. God bless you and your folks.
Yeah. Stress. It’s always going to be there. You just have to learn to ignore it and I say that having lived through Hell so many times I just laugh now.

Life goes on. I remember laying in bed screaming having had my knee/leg destroyed (requiring a 7 hour surgery 3 years on crutches and 6.5 years of physical therapy and that was only one of many things) but anyway a friend had given me a stack of people magazines and there was a whole page photo of a young military guy who had been in Iraq? Afghanistan? when his legs were blown off and he had to drag what was left of his compatriots to safety. At the bottom of the page was the best quote ever: he said, “just because something blows up doesn’t mean your day is over.” LOL
I lost the page in my house fire (after the cancer) So I know about stress, pain, poverty, you name it. But guess what? I learned you just get up every day and put one foot in front of the other (if you can) and do what you gotta do and remember there are millions of people out there in far far worse conditions than you.
Good luck!