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Jul 31, 2013
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My name is Dylan and i'm new here! I bought my van earlier this year and will be living in it full time coming this January. I took a year off from work (or longer) to travel the states, and started a blog and instagram account showing my progress and preparation for the upcoming trip. Follow a long if you would like! I hope to chat, meet, and learn from as many of you as I can!&nbsp;<br><br>www.thessimplelife.tumblr.com<br><br>@myamericandreamtour<br><br>Dylan.
Hi Dylan and welcome.&nbsp; Your adventure sounds fun!&nbsp; I just finished reading an e-book about a couple who took a year off of work to visit 58 of our 300+ National Parks.<br><br>Good luck and safe travels to you...
Wagoneer, im in Dallas. The plan is to head south to Big Bend National Park, then west from there. No real plans, just go where the wind takes me. The_Vantasy, sounds amazing! I also plan to see as many National Parks as possible.&nbsp;
&nbsp;Welcome Dylan!&nbsp; I read your blog posts. You're so far ahead of most people your age, realizing that life isn't about how much you have but&nbsp; how well you live. Nice start on your van! Keep posting your progress.
Welcome..&nbsp;<br><br>I am in Dallas too, or close, Arlington. Going to Big Bend this weekend to try my recently acquired Rialta. Beautiful area and plenty of room to explore.<br><br>Safe Travels, Bob J.
Yea your not far at all Bob! Enjoy your time there, let me know how it goes and what to check out!<br>Tony and Karen, thanks for the kind words, Ill keep posting up photos as I continue the build out. Hopefully more to be done this weekend.<br><br>Dylan.
Hi Dylan and Welcome!<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br><br>We'll be about 3 1/2 years behind you if all goes according to plan. I'll bet you are just about to burst with excitement at the prospect!!! I know we are! Keep us all posted, I'm enjoying looking at your blog pics!<br>k-<br><br>ps...I just finished reading your simple life blog...Wow! Your writing style is wonderful!!! And I love the message you are putting out there! I agree 110%. Fantastic!!!!
Oh, this is&nbsp;so cool and it's only the beginning. Congratulation on your lifestyle changes. Living without debts is a dream for a lot of people.&nbsp; You already have that one taking care of and now on to bigger and better things. Yea!!!!!!!!<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>Nicole
welcome Dylan, good site here, just found it myself. What kinda work you getting out of?
Marineprepper, welcome! I work for a family owned security company. I'm in the new sales dept. love the company and luckily they will welcome me back when/if I return.
Hello, Dylan, and welcome!&nbsp; I've been living in of my van for the last couple of years and love it.&nbsp; I imagine you are&nbsp;having the time of your life! &nbsp;I checked out your blog and enjoyed the many pics.<br><br>Keep having fun.&nbsp; I wish I'd done this at your age!<br><br>V.T.
<span style="font-size: x-small;"><strong>welcome&nbsp;.... blkjak</strong> </span>