Hello from Oklahoma for now!

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Aug 22, 2020
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I guess I better introduce myself. Hi my name is Pat and I'm an Alcoholic.........Opps!!! Wrong group HAHA

I am currently living in Oklahoma but by next year I hope that will change. I have a 2012 Coachman Freelander 21QB Class C on a Chevy Chassis. I have a 2020 Chevy Spark for the TOAD.

My wife is in a Nursing Home and is on Hospice, and is expected to pass any time, she has MS. I miss and love my wife very much, but when she has passed there is really nothing here for me, so I am going to sell the house next year and go full time. I really don't need a 3 bedroom house and I don't have any family close by.

I retired from the Army/Army Reserves, and from the Government. I have 3 dogs, 1 that is sweet, 1 that is stupid, and 1 that is bossy.

I am setting up my RV mostly for Boondooning, I don't see any real need to spend $30+ a night when I can find some place off grid to sleep. Spending 20 years in the Army taught me that you can life comfortably without running water and electricity.

I hope I can be of service to the other users on this forum.
Welcome to the CRVL forums Amigatec! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome to the forum. It is sad to hear about your wife but good to hear that you realize life goes on. Sounds like you have a nice rig send us some pictures. Personally I’d keep the stupid and a sweet dog and get rid of the bossy one. Just kidding I couldn’t get rid of a dog. Hope What you find here will help and I hope what you find in life will be satisfying
I already removed the U-Dinette, it was worthless, and I replaced it with a Euro-recliner, add a 42" TV and a MacMini for entertainment. Added a 200 watt solar system, and in the process of replacing the Micro and a Combo Micro over.
Amigatec said:
 I have 3 dogs, 1 that is sweet, 1 that is stupid, and 1 that is bossy.

lol....as long as you have the pooches for company, life will go on..they NEED you.

And yeah, my name is Tex and I'm a recovering hoarder....oh wait....wrong forum again....dangit....

I'm just a bit west of you here in the Texas Panhandle, south of Amarillo, if you do end up heading west for NM or AZ this fall or winter, you are welcome to boondock at my place for a few days on the way, I have plenty of room. 

PM for directions if and when you head this way.

Good luck.

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