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Hoolie's mom

Aug 22, 2015
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I've been a lurker for  little bit.  I just got an early retirement offer from my employer, and I believe I am going to take the offer. This will enable my husband and I to be full time Rvers.  We have things to sell, etc. And hope to be on the road by Sprin.

I have gained quite a bit of knowledge from many people on the forum.  I hope to be able to contribute myself one of these days.  :)

Thanks to everyone for their good advice.
Welcome to the CRVL forums, Hoolie's mom! I hope you'll share your journey to freedom, with us.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
welcome, you have already contributed, every little bit helps. keep us up to date. highdesertranger
I can't wait to read about your search for your new home and your adventures. Best wishes during this transition.
Well, I took the deal, and my last day of work is the last day of the year. I am nervous, happy, anxious, and many other things right now. God is in control, and I am just praying for peace inside. Once we are on the road things will be much better. Thanks for listening to me talk about my emotional rollercoaster.
Many of us have been through exactly what you are going through, so we can relate!

We're here to help in any way we can!
Hello and welcome from central Ohio.

Congrats on your decisions! I would take that deal in a heartbeat, sell the house and hit the road. In fact, that's my plan. How exciting for you!