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Dec 3, 2018
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Glad to finally take the time to join the Forum.  I've been stalking the video section watching them long into the night for a long time.  I've been house-less by choice for a little over a year.  Not always doing it right but guess there is no real right.  :cool: I live in my Nissan Rogue (challenging) and couch surf/house sit at friend's homes.  I am upside down on my car and am waiting for a time when the stars a-line and I can find either a cheap, decent van or trade it for a good van.  I want to move into a Mini Van, preferably a Toyota Sienna or Honda Odyssey although any van is better than nothing right now.  I am pretty happy overall with my life and like being on the road.  Happy to answer questions...I have learned a lot while getting ready to move into something larger and looked at a bunch of options before arriving at my Minivan decision.  Glad to be here, wish I could make it to RBR or a caravan but don't think it will happen.  I am on the east coast and would love to start an east coast tiny caravan. Headed to FL soon.

My name is Vera and I'm from NE Ohio...currently in TN.
Welcome to the forum, vhurst27 . . . . great way to cut expenses, right? I hope it works out well for you - well, a year already, so it must be okay! Got any tips and tricks for other car dwellers?
Welcome to the CRVL forums Vera! If you find a good inexpensive place to camp in Florida put a notice in the Gatherings section and invite people to join you. Have a mini GTG! Florida is pretty nice in the winter. :;)

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
travelaround said:
Welcome to the forum, vhurst27 . . . . great way to cut expenses, right? I hope it works out well for you - well, a year already, so it must be okay! Got any tips and tricks for other car dwellers?

Hello, travelaround,
Well, my car is an SUV so it sleeps a little differently than a sedan. What are you in? I built a deck which I've modified once to make more room for my stuff so that I don't have to move it around when I stop for the night. I have a friend who sleeps in a Saturn and removed his front passenger seat.  It works well.  The deck raises me up to like window level which I don't like very well so I have to put curtains up and get out to go to the bathroom at night.  Not ideal.  I bought a 3 inch pad to fit the deck and its pretty comfy. I have too much stuff but I have backpacking gear with me and tech clothes and other 'stuff' I just rearranged things so that the things I use the most are easiest to get to. 

Bottom line is that although there are challenges, I like it much better than living in one place which is what I used to do. I"m retired but did work a seasonal job last summer for a while.  It was ok. Everyday if you so choose there is an opportunity to learn or see something interesting...How about you have you just started? What are your plans?

Biggest tip I guess I have is try to live with as little as possible but don't leave something behind that feels special to you or that you love because you don't have a lot of room.  Having something that is meaningful, a reminder so to speak, is, I think, important.  I had a fairly large collection of crystals that I work with and they all came along.  I love to knit and just bought some yarn.  So be true to yourself yet be open to new experiences. 

Oh, and if it doesn't feel right to you then it probably isn't, say no and/or leave.

rvwandering said:
Welcome to the CRVL forums Vera! If you find a good inexpensive place to camp in Florida put a notice in the Gatherings section and invite people to join you. Have a mini GTG! Florida is pretty nice in the winter. :;)

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.   We look forward to hearing more from you.

Thanks for the welcome! I appreciate that...well I have one that I didn't go to last year in my sights in Myakka SP. It's a primative area which is inexpensive so will do so when I make it.  Also, if anyone else has intel on places I'd love to hear.  Can't sleep at most Walmarts in FL but can park in Cracker Barrels.  NO night time potty there tho! Sorry, but what is a GTG? And this will be my 3rd partial winter in FL.  I stay with friends some too. 

I'll check that other section out too.