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New member
Jun 25, 2018
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Hello all. My name’s Eric, aka Trailertrampin’. I thought I’d introduce myself as I’m new to the forum. I’ve been watching Bob Wells, along with a plethora of other nomads, from the sidelines for a very long time. Because of a recent job loss, and a wife that’s given the go-ahead to sever our umbilical with mainstream society, I figured it high time to jump in the game. I look forward to learning a lot and getting to know all of you.
I was recently laid-off from a corporate job where I spent the last 11 years. To be honest it’s been a godsend. It wasn’t a good fit and I spent most of my time pretending to be something I’m not. Regrettably, I’m finding my experience, along with the fact that I’m 45, is working against me in the job market. It seems companies would much rather hire inexperience at a minimum of salary. Someone they’re able to mold into the perfect corporate citizen.

While not quite a neo-luddite, I am highly skeptical of technology and its meaning in our lives. For example, I believe the TV has no added value. It does nothing but condition us to accept someone else’s authority. Much of today’s polarization, in my opinion, is the result of people putting too much faith in what they see on TV.  Turning off the TV will go a long way in helping one see the system for what it is.

My wife and I are working on a strategy to hit the road. We’re not in a financial situation to allow no work so we’ll need to work camp. We’re comfortable living on limited finances, but the question of health insurance has us very concerned. We also have a dog that will make work camping a bit more challenging. Hopefully we’ll figure it out and get a plan in motion.

Anyhoo, I’m eager to exchange ideas and learn from everyone. Thanks!
Welcome Eric to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Welcome Eric and welcome Brooke to the forum... it's great to have you here.
I agree with you on tv.It has everyone broke up into groups and a us againts them thing going.Much happier after unplugging most tv.
Welcome, Eric!

I too was laid-off from a corporate job, in my case 12 years, at 48 years old having trouble finding work and finally losing my house to downsize into the RV life.